
Like Jonathon MD, he finishing imagining his...whatever this 1 year Intern, he is supposed to help his father to run the Hospital, just got kicked, and get up there!?

Everyone all has something or somewhere to go there, and get to that places where you starting ruling at the age, you imagine you are still like a child? No, you start doing it, many mistakes will come alone the way, you learn that, you get mature, that is the only way, you get things done.

You build up your own vocabulary, you build up your resume, in the scope of the things said the range 1 to 10, you starting to make a list by list what you ought to be doing, in every step of the ways, how to get there. Helping each other to finish that, not sunk it in life, like you failure at the school, and when we turn back, it says the underground fighting.

That is horrendous to all of us, I am telling you. The gun, the black & white photo, and so many this, the hidden things no one knows, keep seeing that on the TV, every craps things why those travel are not encouraged. At all.

🥘 You are telling your parents, you are too painful every eye sights, looks like you don't care about it. 🥘

You have parents, some don't. You have the siblings, some don't. You have the relative, your parent's parents creation to really make your parents feeling better at it. You could just focus on something they cared, and make everyone near to look after each other. You don't see anything why the old becomes too old? 


How do you take care of a property?

There are the water, the utility like the gas, or the electric. You have the electric appliance turn on in the morning, like the lights are more expensive than the night. If you living in the rural area, where those wire construction workers passing by, their charging fees are in your monthly statement. If you build a house, you have to build a safety tank, that is only lasting 5 years. You really wish you settle for a whole, you live your whole life, like you used to be in your parents home. Or, for my case, its still feeling more breathing this is where I knew about the neighborhood. There is food, developing the photo places, night market vendors, the banks, the metro, the City Hall, the Taipei Expo next to the City Hall and 101. Behind there are Breeze Mall, there are A4, A8, A9, and A11, to every other malls I am not having time to go and look around...Hallo Kitty. 


The Metropolitan Life

There are the Metropolitan life, right now we are all locking down because of the City under this COVID 19, but the South Korea are loosen now, and Taiwan we have a lot of light symptom of this COVID 19. This city has its own operation on the things going all around. There is the culture, there is the life, there is a memorial hall you watching the shows on the lamp, on the ice sculpture, the formal wear to the orchestra. Its just the few bus degree I always knew about the places where I grew up. We used to have friends in the school, some First boys school, and they make it to the Medical School. I hope one of them are correct? But still they were something much more decent than the most human really are here. There are stuffs to go other than the Youtuber. There are other family or the social standing of the parents family or friends they used to know each other, and they know those are safe? 

Sometimes you meeting people where you ought to know each of them all having a house, a few kids, so you don't go there to snatching all their parents to be their parents attention? Why you need your parents, and they don't? 

 You are from the local, or you are exploding your new City somewhere else

Everyone has a choice to how they come together to live a life. Whichever that life it is. You build up the friends, the circle, the working places where you apply to. Do you know what you are doing to file-ing up these working resume, its to run about, just to get any jobs you need? Yeah? So what if I Anna, just decide to do whichever niches I say : The Academia Professor? What is the wrong I get close by to the industralists, it is right there, where I apply for the jobs, I had an interview.

What is the wrong if I make the entire website just one day, someone might land it to see, that is a chemistry related subjects, or one day I manifest a completely differently totally Geography label, not the Climate Change, or Climate Change its not the geographical locaton subjects to say the Rain falls the tears, on Gods where the mercy to forgive like my Last name?


 The pentahouse oweners, we all know there are the birds around.

This island were the strategic defense after the WWII, growing up on the news channel, the classroom setting, the military teacher, or the guy or the girls in the military uniform standing at the front door? We didn't know anything about where we were? So if these birds on the roof, where they are screaming the hell of it, someone will have to all listen up? Only the Pentahouse owners have to go and deal with it, whichever reason they end up on my roof? Or to where I can see them flying all around? I film it, you cannot possibly telling me, they don't exist at all. 


My uncle or my relative, he is the pentahouse owner

That is Irene and Irene's brother future issues, but right now their parents are not dead yet? They were my uncle or the aunt, we used to talk when the grandmom were alive? The entire UB facebook knew I was here in 2010? There is a Square, her new debut of the restaurant to the gluten free, airing on the TV shows, so they two were the same high school they used to know each other. Irene, and Square, my two different sides of the cousins. Not everyone just one single born human on the planet, so I haven't seen them in 6 years, but I knew where they are all about? But I have a career choice....so I stay in my niches whichever I knew how to establish a communication or constantly looking out the ways when I am in my leisure time? You gonna tell me you making one million dollars, you could just sleep in your sofa the whole life, not to worry about anything else in life?

Those human whom capable to house the millions, are you sure those are anything looks like you, sound like you, dress like you, eat like you? You sure everyone so useless venting to their parents every two second how bitterness of the life, you wish you were like 20 years old, right now you imagine you are getting close to the age of 40 years old? What gonna happen, losing upon your memory to which degree, you keep looking at my life?

Why don't you build up your own life, wherever you were on your places, to whom you talking to, to whom you communicate at, to what the jobs or the career choices, you always on the back up the minds, because the life sometimes changes all the time. Everyone not necessary will end up in the same House? 





I go to lunch

Babaji: Go

🌮🥪🍔 The property Laws, the zoning district, the School district, The Residential Places 🌮🥪🍔

Does your parents currently owning more than one house, how you stay the single life, to help them, or your sibling helping your parents how to take care of the property? Or just one Eben human his entire property, you imagine you got dropped on the first day, to annihiate the entire City, by how?

The Laws?

Okay....how are you going to do that at the town city hall, or the town meeting, or the foreclosure house you see at the library, why at the public library opening announcement? Why? Do you understand what is the lease or the contract, or the paper works filing, right now I am helping my mother to know we have the tenent issues? You prefer to seeing that Eben Pagan running over here there, where he lives?

Or my entire UB cage inside where I set them up, that is exactly you wire the vicinity house I cello at every morning, by how? By we all UB human paying the property tax, by the online procedure to submit to that US treasury. The local laws, the state law, the district to where you filing all your entire paper works, or that communication might be too vast...

Taipei its where 4 blocks to my city hall, if I am so that careless, I be there every morning?

When your parents getting old, I don't know starting from what age brackets....They see the stairs up or down, its becomes a very persmissive look out.

Do you know what I mean? If you see the stair when you are on the period pain, you feeling good, every single days? You are young, and you running inside or outside that house, as if you don't stay there, or trying to stay there, but you say you having a job. So they gaining their life back, or you are just saying its only your life coming and going? 

Do you plan to build a life in front of them? Telling them, what life you are building about yourself, or to them, or for them, or trying all around you, your uncle, your relative near by, share bathroom? I been to enough the houses to know what I want to build in the First Person ideas references, got it? 

You arrive to a land, like I was for 15 years long time, I live in the United State speaking English, talking English, working English, reading and writing English. I don't even type one Chinese, you imagine I had 2 siblings, at all. Not the phone, not the text, not the website. Na da....

One day I land in front of somewhere everywhere feeling closure the sky, they use elevator and the stair, I have some feeling I am hard to breath on it.....really. I stay indoor for 2 years for that one Movie: 10 Clovefield Lane.

    Do you eat out all the time, like the breakfast in Taipei, or the vendor on the street at the school hours?

    Do you eat the lunch at where in Taipei Metropolian Area, the Taipei Station? How much?

    Do you social at night life, like the dinner cost, or you mean the midnight, to when you say that is including the  Party World singing Room Covered the Entire Floor, how big its the room you cover for your entire groups of friends?

    That is what the square's brother did. He got in the first boy school like Jason and Henry MD. And in one year....

AGT 2014 - Children's Choir

I remember ...2014. No, I didn't watch it. I watch the Oscar and Keanu 3 them award ceremony. Its probably the time, not to do this face card anymore, if that seeing, its not from the past. Its right now, to the future....yet to come.


💖 You probably suppose to invest to your parents, or build their confidence, to see things, hear things, doing things, rumors things, friends things, ....💖

In the degree of building that and health wise, you build up their fitness. But I don't think you see anything in front of you, other than your life. What you can do extra for them, to them, including your siblings. 

Teach them medicine, finds things for yourself and them. Be generous of that...whatever they really didn't ask much to return.

💖🥪🥪🍹 The House when designing it....technically, you all just need to see One kitchen, one Living room, I sleeping in one room, One garage for junks, One walking closet.

And the bathroom. If you have 3 generation family, that is grand pa, grand mom, your both parents, with you + sibling + your own kids. Some people have that kinds of the family, from the basement up to the second floors. Its how big the lot, that is the property tax. I don't need the grass lawn. 

My parents go and afford their room + we 3 sibling rooms. That is how can be designed. Like near by. In California, there are a lot of those houses I have seen, there is one additional suite. Like there is a room +  a bathroom, a simple layout of a guest room staying places. I can design a small kitchen, or tea coffee places. 

My property tax would be higher than yours, correct. You are semi-deattach those straight up, very steep built apartment, with the a basement garage to the first floor to the second floor. That is the square yards of all within, so that is the property tax in that dimension. 

Hollywood - you mean those 2 songs. They forfeit.

Meaning they quit. 

I go to find some polish human …I don’t know any Spanish human from the Spain yet.

It’s on your ice skating human profile. Spain Spain Spain ….the olive oil places are the only distribution human I knew was the kettle from …Spain. Spain, Spainish…is that the human never receiving the return letter from John Astor IV on the X-12 Venusian biography? That’s when …Prince William they become useful. It’s the Queen palace guard, what do they do beside hijecking ?

🍗🍗🍗🍖🦴🦅🦅🦅 📣 Shut up ~~

My brother AMerica NYC high school it’s a Spanish third major, mine was French. I bought a Barns & Noble small tiny booklet they contain one small tiny CD. When ? Before nick. In UB.


The presentation matters …but most you cared only one thing in your life, it’s to eat eat eat eat eat !! Table cloth, the plate, the spoon, the forks. I might save a lot more money if I live along on one property tax however I shrink to looks just like that. But nothing else …I am telling you. 


It’s the last day or the first of a decade pass? Pavillion China expo 上海世博會, why you have to wait til the last min? You cannot see when I describe to you, you just sit there sunk it? Ever drink an orange brand Sanskrit ? 

They probably build a tunnel, kinda like the pathway, from The Day when My classmate found out, their New World to be built …if they are preparing something, as if you have just friends not tutee. They were behind me probably for the music. Now, I was told. I select many musics, correct. 

I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

The guys are more physical, meaning they carry the bags, or the plastic bags from all your fruits and vegetables carrying you around to go inside the house.

When your body its tiredsome, that situation of their edgy might heighten, but as they do that more often, if without you.....they carry their own life, to carry more works on that life they pursue at, sometimes, they build a house, sometimes they build a yard, sometimes they nail on every garage. 

They carrying the suitcase, their fire department gear, or those police stuffs.

Those things makes the body tired. They rest they get up. When you put your 4 limbs on the working mode, and focus on that moment, to know why you are doing that for....its for the evolution of your trajectory to reach somewhere, you will know why you will insist to work til the days you die, really.

Especially this time.

Your parents being your parents forever....they ever remembered. Just looking at you, they know somethings it wrong, all the way down.


They can see inside your eyes frames, you feeling hurt. Do you want to ask them, what is the hurt and why you will feel the hurt, if that is every guy I just took a photo not even talking to them in the real voice, the real human, the real Wall, even? 

You want to compare what? 

    The Math, music, clothing, or you mean the fashion?
    The web design

    Resume, the facebook, the associate guys on my facebook?

You found out you losing the memory, you cannot focus! On that every attention moment, you blank out. You lose away your moment at that tip of "you cannot answer a question".

In the real science worlds, those are very brutal, when you cannot answer a question. You have to listen carefully what it says in English, and answer it with your brain knowing all that stuffs. I may not know every structure names of something, or the pathway, but if they draw it to show me, I will know how to answer them? 

You are listening to the English at your whimp intuition you are not supposed to get every words wrong....at all.

Like I told you, you wish to be the 3 meals a day human, and when you fail your class, I don't really know how to answer you, if you really fail it. I hope that was not the case. I am not sure.


When you are not healthy, you are edgy. When you are greedy, when you are very very selfish, when you are very very envy to others, you express that in your tone of the voice, or some kinds of very very small tiny language you carry....

Those are very very bad of you what you have becoming....Correct, many people fake it until they make it. you hear yourself talking, you hear your own language to describe something? Do you work enough with whom, with what, with what kinds of tasks, you become confident to yourself to that every moment, you try out the music?

That music degree its when you focus on it, what you hear, what you see, what you react on.

I told you before, its every wind, air, sound, louds, near, close, wave of the air, you tremble. Every dusty things bother your eyes, you see the onion, you cry....you cry on a novel, you want to go to sleep. You don't have enough sleep, or food, or water, like the dehydration, you becomes very very edgy.....you feel down.

You feel moody, you feel the swing talk to push someone, to yell at the guys, or the girls, or your parents...you feel very hungry. Those things are your bodily response, if only you just conquer at that selfish, you must taken every food and put inside your mouth, where your parents given you a body, what they do to you your entire life? They feed you, they nurture you, even in their worse time sometimes not everyone's life going well. They didn't put those language on you, they have no choices....

You actually seeing Eben as the parents? Do you want to tell me how far you think where he is, or he yells at you, you sit there frozen? Freeze?

Then what if Eben yells at me? I cry? 

The more degree you doing some works, not just the paper cut clothing sewing, you doing the massive works with others, you seeing the human faces, you will feel happy. You self-cultivate that every quality, not to push others....you reason with the correct concepts how to get things done. You talk to your parents with the right tones of the voice, how to work together,....not to argue their life forces away....that is what my most cousins they do anyway.....

They argue away their parents' life forces...that is what you really want? 

💞🍔🌮 You ever knowing what you are? 💞🍔🌮 I was saying on the other website. I was modifying the keywords, and I read some of my past posts.

I done most of the works, just some left. Some details. Just one more days' work. You don't know how you smell like? The air you carry, to how you verbalize how you are, whom you are, what you are? Those things you like about yourself?

Yeah, you do an audio tape on recording to yourself. You all love to win, that is why I left...everywhere. Not really tiny bit inside of you afraid what is Heaven and Hell. You willing to let go, to every hurt you taken, one day, you talk to me what you really are, that Day. 

    You don't really have a skill

    You don't have a talent

    You don't have supportive groups

    You don't know how to talk

    You don't know how to let go

    You don't really want to help others, you only help others because you will feel big about yourself, the church told you that good deeds goes to heaven. Its everything wrong. You could just let go all, all the world goes to hell for every tiny ego they insist they must win, that is every precept breaking. Every single one of them.

    You wish to win? How far you willing to go to hell? Tell me?

Can you just shut up !!!!! Birds ~~~~

 ( Shut up ~~~~!!! Shut up Shut up Shut up ~~~!!!! )

Powerball April 28th, 2022



 🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍹🍸🍸🍸 🍹🍹🍹🍸🍸🍸

我現在想起來了~我在路上撿到貨車電話號碼!在銀行那邊,麵包店 ...他們在蓋的地方

我去睡覺,我在寫東西寫不完這,台北自來水廠的東西! 單一陳情,陳情不完這所有垃圾 ...飄呀 飄的,我聽說這蘋果皮我洗水塔也要算的意思~我要寫很久這種過程的廢話,叫做 Demonstrate,他們怎麼不自己買來去弄呢? 真的是有夠誇張的 "英俊的小蜘蛛要怎麼出現呢?"  這不是台北市自來水廠,是市政府的呷咪? 這沒有名字的東西,只有電話號碼在下面 ...怎麼不說這台北電信局找我的意思 ...叫做分店呀 ! 真的太誇張~這些鳥跟英俊的蜘蛛!

是台北 "自來水" 沒有寫水廠,台北市下水溝的那一個項目,是"台北自來水" 不是台北市自來水廠~我的智商一定是在零的意思! 

我去躺著~閉嘴鳥! 睡午覺~~~閉嘴~~~~!!!


Pitch Perfect 3

You should get a DVD case...that is 3 DVD inside, and they don't even have a number inside.....Just open and Look! They all have some trailer in front too.

I actually met some foriegner human, other than the youtuber, Taiwan...small tiny.

Maybe they need the Apples?


 Babaji: Go

Drama school means, people going in to play some character, and on weekend doing that. On the weekday, they feel better at their real life on the real jobs.

So those fantasy, were supposed to be that human they love those drama clothing.....On the Weekend !!!! Its per monthly, you have the church service or anyway on the Easter Sunday, that per one time, yearly. 


台北 7-11 還是全家~~~大概 7-11

每一個禮拜兩蘋果? 這個人不會買東西~


Shut up ~~~ I cannot wake up. They make the seagull here? Its right OUt SIDE!!!!! That is a military jet?

What is my house outside?




I go to sleep

 Babaji: Go

Do I feel Zawanna or Kail are hot?

I will tell you, I am more worry about this Sky White Clouds, or the birds...right now they driven me no time to think every so hourly....no time to think at all. If the Otter stands up talking, or doing all that, and then the birds are doing all that....we really have a lot of crisis you know, not just the map on metro for me to know that...for behind, I had like 10 mins before I fall asleep?

I am not very easy, to discuss a lot of things. If this entire building no more 7 floors, do you know what will happen to this entire City? You never think of it....you imagine I do my living for fun. 

If the TV becomes true....is that...like me and Keanu was? The Sailor Moon, if I were to be Tesla? oh my God~ What I imagine.....

You mean your favorite comic books, you crying inside outside, which one? Not Sailor Moon right? So anyone acting your books in front of you? I didn't do anything for 9 long years. No matter how many guys can you really get....in the end, you need to change your own pillow case, his pillow case.

Your bed sheet, me and my mother fix my bed sheets. We wipe different floors. 

You have to admin one guys, or a house of the neighboring all guys, and distributing the foods, like a community, how that community can be form? Is there a hope to talk about it? Is that an anticipation to feel it.....we might do nothing, but just talking about. So many things in other people's life....

So when we saying getting the APO, CAC houses, we have to check, whom drop out of the UB. That is the reality check, what happened. Making a food for your parents, its not a burden, they used to nurture you, very very neatly, and patiently with you, no matter what.

Let me repeat it again

I Anna always drive myself to Feel Rite, to carry my own buckets of water, nick bought me the Canadian Trolly, its very very useful for the girls like my size. I drag one buckets water inside by another buckets.

I drink carefuly.

I set up those emergency Berkey Filter water, how clean your FDA, meaning you don't touch your hands on the filter, how you lay on the table, your have kitchen tower, how each step assort, because that water its not boil, if your hands not clean, or the filter fall inside the shared kitchen sinks?

How you watch yourself doing the detox, like every details I do?

Are you willing to mind your own business, if the guys need you to carry your own houses, I start to notice.....my high school used to be a buddy ugly girl want me to go to the bath room with her, the first year, the first starting was the goodbye of our friendship. I do those things to what you called "Friends", seriously...I do that very often. 

    You love to drink your own osmosis water, will you carry him a jar, you only drink what I tell you, or else.....

    And you car service your own car, not your daddy's car, like 4 seasons to what things getting used to change oil, car wash, car tier rotation, or talking to them?

    Can you call the town, to ship the dirt, the mud, the soil in front, I need to plan the basil.....free soil, you be on your own inline phone forever, to get everything free? 

    Can you do your own tax per year, its Wing does my first tax, online? In my house. He shows me how.

    Can you get yourself enough cleaning supply, + washer + dryer high tech, true high tech....to make a useful anything in the China gadge or the 5 Star hotel appliance department?

Finding a way how to clean up that floor.....running right, running left...that is a correct way of my Pinterest house? You house your energy to things you wish to keep.....do you do that? 

You imagine you can handle the big house, how? Calling the service guy to the Shandolio Light bulbs, on the ceiling, it would be every 3 months? 

You have to build up your own character how to do things, to run a clean and independent, not couch, sunk it bean bags to....lay there on the ground. The rug you need, those are marble floor.....

In America, when you owning a house, its not an arguing, you find out, next hour, you need your brother, your father, your guys now? In Taiwan, you could just live alone, its really small tiny apartment. You share the room responsibility to wash it everywhere.

How long to re-paint, the inside or the outside?

I don't keep those plants, but garden, some spares of anything you grow in the sunlight, it will help the entire summer, just handful things you chew in the mouth called the herbs?

I actually mention many times, today its not the first day I say all this to you. You cannot stop arguing, you could just lay lows, only works, works, works. 

Can you cook a holiday meal, why happy?

How many calendars to going out this family tradition? Per yearly? 

What kinds of the clothing you design, or your buy? Your parents not talking to any of your entire closet, and thrown out? 

You set up the table with the better table cloth, you find these things on the weekend or the week days, when you are alone yourself? Like how many things can you just go out and get everything done, if you live alone to invite them coming? Or one day, you live with a guy, not so that gluey?

The way how it sounds like would be, nick coming to Buffalo, to print my entire documentation so we go to the border together, and he added his invitation letter? 

The reality is he email me, I print it. 

I set up that Berkley myself....Nick doesn't have one. I rent my own car, like calling? I email him every day something fishy around, why he is not on the phone?

I washing, cleaning my own cloth, I tape the carpet, its hair......I walk my own 4 blocks, I need him to be next by me? I don't think he even knows there is a 4 blocks, until now.
I haven't really say, maybe I say you might all die, no.

    You build up your physical, your eye strain daily. You don't build up one day.

    You get tired, you lay down in your own room 5 mins 10 mins, 20 mins.

    You work work work work....clean up, lay down. No one questioning why you cannot rest. The things was..... you ask people to be responsible to your own health, and you look just about anything to drop dead, really. 

When someone asking you a question, you got offended? You wish people to think you differently, by the reality in the real life, or by the TV? I getting that a lot?

So I show up myself, I re-write that myself, no matter what? If you cared about that?

Like I really need to care, how I explain to nick, about this....whom, Stephen Tamang or Adam....to his whom, brother?

Tiny 4.0 ...

Did I say anything, why I am not in it?

They air you a show, they air everyone a show. That's it....the rest its on your IQ how to make the use of it.

💖💝 Do you want to just be a happy person? 💖💝 You might just get lucky, someone sees you could just laughing on your own, and the sky falls, the mokies shows up!

You know what I am saying? You may not know the System, you may not what is the best in front, you keep the correct concepts everything, you remain the center of yourself? Understand which part of the religion you are pursuing right now.

I already say to everyone, we believe different God.

To a lot of you, your religion might be so much you care about more than UB, more than the education you receive, you might .....

Is my religion has to be part of the martial arts? Correct. 

The more in depth the better.

What kinds of the martial arts, exactly like the TV? Yeah!

Tell me, what is a occupation that Eben Pagan does....I stand where to hold that microphone?

So far away, so dim light, so blurs in your disturbance, of whom to looking at, or for.....You won't even notices....

You see where these so many navy uniform, or whichever troops left not closing the books, if they just line up standing there, not the professors, they pick whom to do these lines, side by side....

What is that so important to them, or them looking at me to think whom you are so important, whichever pair you decide to dramatize at this.... "project"?  That it is a maturity, how you makes something important at this drama, One Day, how you all becoming the mature individuality, you stand there, like....

What is like, to stand there to staring at, the Vola moment, really? And I don't really watch this TV, what is the Vola moment of this? First love or?

If you mean the Adam Davis? His brother exactly the David, uh....I think he is the military. The singing guys look like Adam Davis' brother. You mean Eben sees me remember whom they are, they by the military order, someone will never be there?

So I cannot understand a thing of this. I did watch the beginning seasons of the Smallville til when...all the drama becomes very input details, new characters, I never watch it again. At that time slot of Smallville popularity was, there were Seven Heaven, Girlmore Girls, and Two weeks Notice, and How to Lose a guy in 10 days, and Annie Hallaway, have many other movies.

I didn't really go and be with anyone, other than talking about it. But one girl, if you could just house 30 guys, right now for me, that would be a great ideas, how you don't let the good guys slips to any degree of the dirts.....if you provide every supports, food, less periods, or pads, and clean the floor mat, finding the material science of every foot step on it, to sun dry Roof....new design......

Cooking the right meals, lesson their burdens, when you have more people with the brain, and stability, each other provides, with a community, we can figure it out anything, not in the tendrum, any degree of...some guys will tell you, "Get out!" 

Dress the correct things, because a lot of them are on the TV, they may not know what to buy, I buy one shirt each per year, still a lot of shirt, you know? Make a correction how this maturity, handling your emotion, seeing the comparison of Love? What Love is exactly that? You name one to one thousand of why....everything failed?

They all need to be competitive right now. Because we can provide the education from the State Level, not necessary everything goes to become the Ivy Leaque, if that is not where I from.....

When you had a concept of the community, not praying everyone tears how someone dead every 2 weeks, you cry with them, or you fake it, or you just never went? Do you know how dangerous you participate something like that?

You have a job, whichever job, you see yourself on the TV, and I shows you many things....you might never get there, if you keep crawling, on this small petty human decides, arguing, why the University Professor was not the only literacy you suppose to arrive, 1 or 2 or 3 Ph.D, MD, in the 16 lifes years in 1000 years life span WITH THIS!!!!

Right now, nothing move. Everyone knows that, okay? There is no belief that things will ever tear apart, okay? 

What I will do?

Like page by page, this Eben Pagan proclaims forever goes to hell, Paganism read every page this textbook, I making juice, he studies, they all study, I have 10 mins on that one chapter, I ask them questions....that's it.....ADD requires this, sitting down right in front of that someone staring at it.....he may not even write ligible....How that notebook looks lousy, whichever brand they all buy, small tiny. 

I expecting you girls arrive a level, willing to do all that, for 10 for 20, for your entire villege guys, at that location to catch up this entire Digital Era. 

Its called the Lotto : short of the brain that cannot answer a simply your type questions and answer, what would I be saying that for, anyway? 

I need to talk in Chinese, You all feel like competitive? Whom are you? 你們其實很競爭? 地球村? 是嗎? 你們是老幾呢?

人活在一輩子裡面覺得自己很偉大~真的,你們是覺得九年之後的今天,是你們以前高中時代? 就是你們覺得你們哪根筋的朋友很多? 負債很多 ...喔! 大家一起喝酒很多 ...搶家具,搶家產很多...然後呢,她們他們成功沒? 

你們還沒監獄,還是還在等待監獄 ? 人不能常常以為什麼誇張的事情是一種等待 ...你們一種對著整個台灣的南部叫做發錢的觀感...你們跟警察、交通局的戒酒....沒有給自己做一個榜樣~你們爸媽答應的意思,還是其實你們是馬戲團?沒有人知道? 

你們沒有在台灣長大還是? 移民出去的人有曾經回來養老的以為,跟自然不知道嗎?

以為 跟 自然不知道 ... 

以前我 2018-2020跟全天下的中國人說過

世界上有兩種人,第一叫做以為,第二叫做故意不知道 ...好笑嗎 ? 真的要笑得那一天其實還沒有等到呀  ...

我講過,走教職人員,公家機關...又尤其,現在說不定警察也要學一點音樂,叫做對著誰做威脅的代表,學術不見得在第一天會有成效,在每一步的走完,才會再有一天發酵,養樂多喝嗎 ? 加過冰塊? 這些剪輯的東西是有意義的 ...那要講的出來一個道理,還是你們要跟 Ola 一樣去搶東西? 知道今天在講什麼?


關起來安那的那一扇門,其實是很多種機會的開始的另外其他門 ...會是在講什麼呢?

Sakura Clear Cards - Another Pair dancing


When I have to take down this Flower Thousand Bones, Myself....that was many years ago. 


But on the way somewhere I specifically say, where we situated in Taiwan, we have flying routes, for the family or the kids whom grown up these country (Birds Shut up~~~) - There are market, places, products, things see, hear, fashion saw, know...or the cultural exchange.

There are many things people do in this world, so when I pointing certain song, and by why I dominating the military force around here, I told them all that.

If you just look at the Map

There is a Korean, and there is a Japanese.....on the map. No one says the first day you have to go and take over their entire things...but a nice Hallo, no one says a thing why it is, or it is not....anyone can all exist on the internet. 

When you actually let parts of your life slip....meaning you ruin your life on the academia a paper....I would never think of it, at all. That is what people do? Probably because your home its there, your parents are there. I cannot do that...I have to get up, there is no way out.

You losing a lot of these you could furthur your experiences of learning another language, another fashion, another spiritual awareness in any background what they calling upon there. Not for taking things on the monitization means - No matter how you see its, its very damaging for people just to know you exist there, anytime, to strike.

South Poles Penguin


This song is from Victoria Secrets (Our religions might be different)


These are the Pitch Perfect 3 Songs (Confronting the military) West point its a military School. In Taiwan, its before age 32.


I talked about this before, when you are 30 years old, you could just rules this entire world 7 billions people, people might just let you, if you demonstrate 10 subjects what the human civilization supposed to be one to one millions things in elevation to get every step right....

With my tiny facebook, Eben Pagan didn't see them before....EVER....He is beyond talking points. Now, you are about the age, that is 37 years old. That is almost someone can say you are 40 years old. A girl when you hear it, someone its 40 years old, they divorced twice.....or getting the medium size of the body shapes.

In this entire huge demographic world, America its most democratic, meaning less racial issues to whichever country you belong to, as long as you shall ever work diligently to survive in any kinds of weather. With Tony, he bent his back? Since he was gaining that extra few dollars per hour given up the college. Right now how old is him to keep bending, til when? I never will be there...at all.

In this entire job searching domain, people will tell you on the internet, there are only labors forces, nurses jobs in Small tiny Taiwan, but its a hospital system. There are Buffalo NY those Erie certificate programs, water, electricity, why you bother ever to go to the University getting any major other than that? Enterprise they recruit all the new fresh looking college graduates. I rent my cars every 3 weeks. 

When you get out of the school system, the only jobs lefts, its Tamang's these looking of the laboring forces. What you say the skill workers, you have to imagine you are MD? 

You are not....

Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...