How to

How you should be an educator, like an University Professor. Have you thinking about your own presentation every time you go on a job interviews, what kinds of a job interviews do you go to, whom do you talk to? I didn't have an oral 5 mins introducing myself. So he asked me how to handle that situation, the exactly the same questions twice. I answer him exactly the same answer twice!

If people are asking you a question, you look at that person like you actually speaking in Chinese or English or some kinds of flying long distance language other than English? You blank out because you just listen to that person carefully or you just meant, its just any answer creative, as long as he got a response? That person might be seeing 1000 human per session?

Do you believe you make an impression, what kinds of the outfit do you wear, to go to the job interviews, are you seriously consider that is a job, or you just show up anything you think that is to get a job? A lot of people I think they download some kinds of the forms, or resume template, or the Cover letter, or CV to where they sent themselves to this high up earning organization to learn, to expose, to becoming part of that company experience. You like that kind of life, the face card?

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