
Eben, I think this is what you do. You go to UB. uh...the major its Education minor accounting. But you check your generation requirement.

General Context

Eben Pagan

The Modern Food FDA Level

For Example



Solution to your Clients



Like when I had the free times of those Pre-pharmacy general requirements. Because it was only B.A Chem. I took several class like Family Laws, Consumer Laws, or Inductive Logics. Micro economics, and macro economics.

That first two classes are none sense, whenever you feel like read it or....I don't really remember why they say, there were only 2 law class for the undergraduate. Those are not the class, but I want to take it.

When you are in your general requirement of your major to your existing conditions, Eben. You see where the time schedule you can fit some general requirement class 2 or 3 class, to that major.

Its everything Steve Jobs Don't do, and they pressing people...You Eben are not going to get in competitive to these human called 194 High School to run into the Corporate formats. 

I don't really know what happened to the UB verdict at their local laws, or to the Supreme Court, what to do with we swing to CA, to be crown or crimes to whom fallen off the sea, really.  

Eben Pagan

You have a vow to what you supposed to delivered, you don't have one, you will have that sentient beings at the costs, to their level. Right now this condition of the entire 194 country are not higher up....America, its probably sustain their military at the basic average level up.

Everyone wants to get a better living, a more luxury house, a more secure to that lifestyle, to get a real love, true love, a real branding logo, a real jobs company higher up for the next 40 years.

But a lot of people never make it, Eben. They envy, they jealous, they sabotarge people, to where your SUNY degree will never get a professor jobs, but a temporary, let's say, a community college to start. Not a permanent, but the rotton kids on the streets, whom facilitate to go to jail, or the real UB college from ECC.  Its called the Erie County Community college.

There are a lot of the job careers are taking places at that college. I been there. UB Alumni, too. People has this heart of everything makes real to them, the parents, the sibling, the family proudness, to where the children, how not to blame the Gods when the things or expectation failed, all the girls are not supporting. That means....gone.

To that degree of the future to be....your evolution its to taken this world upper...in whichever advantage to what it is already set in the motions. You don't know you do those jobs, or whom facilitate those jobs. To that every human heart, you given them what they want.

Fame, glorious Vola moment, family unity, of those 9 generation. every heart cut games pulling back and forth, to saying lingering the false on the facebook for which the guys only need a lift, all those illusion will become very quickly dissolve, they will wish them to die, so you cannot tell them anything, continue those false to ruin the governments til they give in. That is only jobs you ever do. They wants that fake, all girls half eternity.

The modern Food FDA level

Its to supporting the guys. That is the most simplest ways saying it for the guys and the animals. 

That's it.

For example

If I am the Simon Cowell, I say to 10 guys, coming in, sign a contract to where you will ask me some money when we doing this. I will sign, but if you fail doing the lists of

    Drugs, alochol, or carpet smell which I give here check. You will be eliminated out.

About 6 months later, whichever 10 coming in, not knowing or whichever saying I tell them, you can all come for the shadowing. Normally the offices hours, just how they complain and leave. I don't really comment anything. The human nature.....

To that gradually they coming in and out....for 5 years....its the slow makes the pace. I don't really asking them to do anything other than the forbidden stuffs or some emergency saying money.

To some degree of that lifting, they will be brought to some occasion to learn this world or some saying, the better behavior of their past but all these are false to the educator. You need to be at the college friends to where you knew it, those are real for you, not everything set up your have this upper or lower meets the end, if you are happier. 

Mahavatar Babaji meant, you turn every hell to gold

The Earth its not hell, I will just remind you, there are the American military on education reformed, they say they will EVER do. To rise up those FDA standard to those beauty pageant exactly they meant they will be doing it right, legally, and no one gets hurts in the end.

Those vola moment of the mentoring are not real. You don't need to change them for the better.


You tell your clients those far away leaving their University life, College buddies, to where those things means to them, the bar, the wine, the college guys/ girls on the football stadium,if we all just entire Honor Class UB human, the guys or the girls going to Obama used to UB Alumni stadium....imagining.

The Long lines of that....Obama waiting family outside that gym.

Long tickets offices we ask Dean's gf ballets on the performing dates to UB or somewhere else. 

To where the Football or the basketball we ate at the UB campus or off campus Papa John.

Those things the local human cared about. The military may not cared about....so we had this dilemma until I solve it what those are....front or the back.....swing at whom?

Solution to your clients

You force them and you implement them into back to that life with their college used to know things. You help them starting now. Same money, same talk, but you push them back until they can lose it from your supports. It will take some times. You can just lose all your clients, one by one, whichever existing 20 years.

    The Local Weather Channel

    The Local Car wash places

    The local school district to the Thanksgiving cart vendors, to that UB dining cards

    The Cup

    The Shirts

    The sports fanatic.....saying Hippi.

That's it.

When you finishing deciding to go to UB, Eben, I will make the clause to Harry Potter, me and you using that movie scenary, background. Not the story plots in whichever, the future we splits aparts from that story.

Anyone wish to take those roles continue on, we splits those to what we cared about.

    To that Note: If the educator your entire union don't want to cease to ashes, or the smoke methods by the SWAT team or the industrialists Bar codes library catalog book keepings, it your own union whichever chapters laws on the very first top lines, By the People OFF the people the happiness or the joy degree to that endorsement, or endow those right.


You should just have known your entire American strategic finding, to that every data, numbers made of you?

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