Music 音樂

電視: 偶然發現的一天

Korean Drama: The Extraordinary You (The Day When You Found Out)

The main point of this drama was his English its Zero, his Korean is 100 tests scores

    The main story frame 主線故事 (主角)

    The side story frame 副線故事 (配角)


電視: 媽媽的庭院 

Korean Drama: Mother's Yard

    A dream of asking the girls to become the Chef, roughly that will be like a real story to be said. To the FDA Chemistry engineering Level. 化工的等級

The story frame: A family of 2 sons to the external 2 girls occupation selection to become, a girlfriend, or a wife, or friends of their each other, to 3rd girl, or entire Mother's friends, old. With a past memory, cherish to hold lesson. The Life reflection.

Pitch Perfect 1 (2012), Pitch Perfect (2015), Pitch Perfect (2017)

Conan Detective : Full Score of Fear 絕對音感

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She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...