
Life its not free, if you eat less than 3 meals, you won't die. A lot of people in the fasting community, all knowing what is 21 days fasting mode.

My first day was starting at 2 hours, second time was 4 hours.

One day, it becomes 2 days, more than 3 days.

One week, 2 weeks. Then I change my schedule. 

The human hunger according to the research die on the 41 days, if.... 


You have a skin issue, period issues, pads, tissues papers, boxes, every kinds of Napkins tissues costs issues. The water to use for the washing, you feeling cold feet cold hands, getting up and dizzy. One day if that becomes a super obesity issues, you don't feel good, you feeling no guys looking at just meant the whole world to you. Your father or your uncle will never take you out again, to have one meal in 365 days how you used to feel one day in Christmas, if you were just gathering your women's groups, to help each other fit, health talk, organized a schedule book, encourage each other how to get along with each others. Give them back their own sibling sisters or brother, when you need to dump them back. 

You mingle, and you put it back where they belong.

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