Lawsuit 208: NSYNC Education Money on the 240 textbooks ( Their Home School Educational Proposal )

Date: May 2th, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: I have a proposal of how the IQ = zero human to flip those textbook as if they have the brain to deliver for the next 5 years.

The definition of the Black Ops, means no existence of the records. I never say on the paper I filling in the University Professor. I only tell you I need to show up those positions to feel it how to run back to these exactly reasons how NSYNC home school brainy function its more than the percentage than it is now.

Is the court room of 1900s just like Tesla told me, it was everyone in the town line up sitting there. It was not supposed to be on the murder case. You can just go and reports your progress if you are sat high, it would be almost whatever he does, he does in Lica? More like the church, the court, the stand, the wooden made of the stage, you go and playing those knocking the table sounds like you are a judge.

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