Sailor Moon Girls Proposals

May 12th, 2022

Maybe you all should focus on your own career choices, or those called "Audition" in the world, all cared were that we had a Volleyball High School Setter, she had a few moved, uncemble.



May 7th, 2022

20 years ago, I don’t remember …it’s when I stand there, 11 human watching me?

6 volleyball serving I stand alone…..the beginning.




May 6th, 2022, UB Honor Class Girls, and the CAC girls groups combine. (APO forgot it.)

SA stands for the Student Association. Their offices has this magazine on their own, they are at the third floor, where me and Seth walking around human at. That is the same floors all the clubs at. I never seen any of you, I am very sure you probably not in there? But Jonathon one time take me to this pre-med meeting, you are at where having this meeting? I never been to that meeting room.

In the entire branch of the Student Associations, you have the Greek Society and the Clubs.

The Greek Society are the Fraternity or the Sorority. Those are not co-ed. We APO are co-ed. So that movie the Legally Blonde (2001, 2003), that is not Co-ed, you could just seeing it, in there. There is no guys in there, purely girls.

The student union, that is the basement or that count as the ground floor? Because Silas office its that same level at? To where the Kevin Corner to be? Or the Souvenir shop later on?

When you looking outside, that entire road waning down, really. 

I eat with Melinda in the day time, where to be seen where that Silas human at. I am not sure whom I saw really.


I use the dental floss, to left right smooth that entire things, every 1 cm of that one string dental floss.  That is how you use in your teeth, so its probably get irritated. Its a lot better than the 2 days ago. It was thick, and inside full thicken. Right now its just the same skins.

I took the shower, wash the bath. Me in it. The hair. 

🍲🍲🍲 You are saying if you the Honor Class UB human girls, that you participate something in the SA union? The reason I told Tom or Mike whichever Carnival, there is a day or night at that Grass area, they do those height...height...height things human. The very exaggerating stuffs. I don't remember clear, I try to remember.

APO we always have that office, so when the day ends, how we gather, or someone will say something, its when I go and check it out everything they usually says? Its almost just every day you walking there in the Office? 

Karen Adria, those are CAC per Wedn I think. Then one day we meet at the girls night out. Whatever I left APO. Too many things to do, I got farmiliar in the UB campus already, plus, I have too many things I taken. Do you know I taken French? You know what that is, and where I rehearsal at? I rehearsal at NSC one of those lounge area. I never get my 5 extra points front the professor. I ask a very short guy Asian to write me that French draft. He is from Quebec. 

There are a lot of human I don't remember how I used to know them. To the line where the day when I have a facebook? Its not the first year. Do I even know whom Dean was? The first year? Toward the end of the second semester right?

I don't care how we end up knowing each other 20 years ago, you need to get those things write-up like you used to belong to UB, and starting your cooking whichever those movies meant it.

    No Reservation (2007)

    Burnt (2015)

    Ratatouille (2007)



Lists of things you promise the Court what that related to Property, Plaintiff to or from, to Family, to Car auto Insurance of night venturing Night Clubs

Everyone does, so someone die, for those cause, its every University human does networking for the late night out venturing outside the Campus. UB south campus, or Downtown Buffalo, New York. Very dangerous area.


May 5th. 2022

CAC the girls group | Pinterest/ Facebook

Karen, Adria, Emily, Melinda

Wei, Sigapore, UN marine

Dennis B Orisini


Pete, Fang, Christian

Ayo President

Christian (Movie: 50 Shades of Grey)

Wendy, Corney 雨之戀

Sailor Moon girls groups to one Earth Prince: Dennis (Auditor like Tina Jao, New York City)


UB Honor Class girls

Ola, Hira, Alice, Fatima, Catherine, and Jonas Pharmacy Volleyball girls

The High School Early Program: Allice

The College Early Program: Jonas Volleyball Team girls


May 4th, 2022



Both the UB CAC Clubs, or UB Honor Class Ola Hira them can use it too. The height those girls. I am not close to them? How do you approach together for this one problems solving, to some money, to some proposal, to some degree or....leverage?

    Do you identify clearly whom are whom? CAC can do that. UB Honor Class girls?

    Do you find each other girls to support each other, how does that Pitch Perfect 1 2 3  (2012,2015, 2017) you refesh anything I Anna says to you, in next 16 years, or next 40 years?

    Do you write down a clear identification notes, the clear indication everything on your ground to stood the advantage, what are those?

    Do you think of what you can just ask the Congress or UB "Here you comes, just the eating money as they shown you" get together and waste it in class, how you re-phrase that? 

    Study together? 

    Pray together?

    Cooking together?

    Housing together?


Why are given so many tasks, you all thinking to write it down one by one, clearly, cooking is cooking what. Label your homework one to ten? The presentation, the dress look, the table design, why or how, what ends of all that?

Do you want to start on your common enemy are Dennis? LoL! 

That will be a start I think, because the human intuition sense are the alienated....him. He is the only human that is a different gender? You start on Dennis why he is all your common enemy, to start a sense to all else other enemy.

Its all UB anyway, there is a Dean somewhere, anyone finds where that Ola, Hira, Fatima, or Catherine, to Jonas volleyball teammates, they are glooming human girls, whom liberate whom I am telling you. Only Ola its little bit taller than me, the rest of them about Melinda, or shorter than Melinda, very short. Very. Catherine its my height?

The UB honor class is failing all the way? How to be a literate human, say it, write it, verbatim it...There is a Alice too, I forget. You just need to group the girls together and start helping each other, there is a National. As long as you just input your 2 cents of working as the girls collective powers, talking, emailing, communicating, you will feel life its not so dull, you all just prefer the girls talking to the girls anyway.

You take a photo to sent to UB, or you copy paste to Ayo, somehow he collects more of the other human together, you have a project combine photo album once again after 16 longs years be found on the TV, for whichever good or bad reason you all so hating toward each other. 

Do you want to just go on your own facebook, find one or two more girls to come join that CAC anyway? Its all in the UB campus stuffs.

You aim are the Pitch Perfect, correct.

That those page I write you. Its a thing, not necessary you sing to it, but just for your every year til the day you die, not you found out, you know there are the classmate exists. 

Gear towards that direction. 


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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...