
When you are not healthy, you are edgy. When you are greedy, when you are very very selfish, when you are very very envy to others, you express that in your tone of the voice, or some kinds of very very small tiny language you carry....

Those are very very bad of you what you have becoming....Correct, many people fake it until they make it. you hear yourself talking, you hear your own language to describe something? Do you work enough with whom, with what, with what kinds of tasks, you become confident to yourself to that every moment, you try out the music?

That music degree its when you focus on it, what you hear, what you see, what you react on.

I told you before, its every wind, air, sound, louds, near, close, wave of the air, you tremble. Every dusty things bother your eyes, you see the onion, you cry....you cry on a novel, you want to go to sleep. You don't have enough sleep, or food, or water, like the dehydration, you becomes very very edgy.....you feel down.

You feel moody, you feel the swing talk to push someone, to yell at the guys, or the girls, or your parents...you feel very hungry. Those things are your bodily response, if only you just conquer at that selfish, you must taken every food and put inside your mouth, where your parents given you a body, what they do to you your entire life? They feed you, they nurture you, even in their worse time sometimes not everyone's life going well. They didn't put those language on you, they have no choices....

You actually seeing Eben as the parents? Do you want to tell me how far you think where he is, or he yells at you, you sit there frozen? Freeze?

Then what if Eben yells at me? I cry? 

The more degree you doing some works, not just the paper cut clothing sewing, you doing the massive works with others, you seeing the human faces, you will feel happy. You self-cultivate that every quality, not to push others....you reason with the correct concepts how to get things done. You talk to your parents with the right tones of the voice, how to work together,....not to argue their life forces away....that is what my most cousins they do anyway.....

They argue away their parents' life forces...that is what you really want? 

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...