Lawsuit 209: Do you find out if the legal right can restraint this Earthly clouds, dark clouds, the birds to shut up !

Date: May 2nd, 2022

Plaintiff: Anna Jao

Title: The birds were shown to me, they are being attacked by those all around.

The sky, the sun, the rain, the clouds, the dark clouds, the thunder, the plants, the wind, the air, the ....ethereal like the ghost. If you read the birds the physical entity to what you see, hear, touch, and loudly announcing what they can understand every word, every thought, every transgression to....paying money back and forth.

Have you try to restrain my residential places, I don't really need to see any of that? The dark clouds telling me or everyone the Russian military are mostly forced on the Eastern side.

Its on the clouds film on the camera. Solmnely swear, those secrets leak?

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