
You girls fight another 6 months with your parents, no matter what, that is what belonging your own stuffs.

You must know some girls, or the existing those girls.....You cultivate your own cooking skills, to manage your own household, right now, those your parents or your sibling just have to take you?

You lasting them, one day, as long as you ever dreamed with those guys you cared. 

    Clean the garbage

    Cooking the delicate foods, in the smallest efforts to deliver the tasteful and fullfilled human palates, then, the guys just die on hunger if those things don't meet their belief.

    The more you cultivate your own habits, when you living with another person other than your parents, there are difference of just living together? Your American Christian has the holiday, my family don't have a holiday belief anymore. Those things to you are important. 


You are girls, when you are more happy, seeing more close human, you access more information, to where one day, those things becomes you capable to handling in them like your parents making a living.  

Do you ever need to reach a goal, that making a schedule for one week, how you run your whole day, of your own thoughts you are panic. So can you relax, to that one week, you set yourself into a motion. Of that motions, where you heard about anyone talking about, you won't be panicking talking to your parents without the sequences what you worry the most. They all know what you are worried the most.

    Clean your bathroom, set that in motions

    Clean your room, set that in motions

    Spending some times, in the chair, on the desk, write stuffs,

    You start learning something that of a self discipline to what you do things in your highest joy or the happiness things, you find that source of income. You contemplate, you contemplate, you think about.

There are a lot of these talking on the internet, EVERY where, to every books. I don't need to do those things anymore. But you don't get up until noon or what? You fold your bed? You clean your sheets, you are chaos, just to think about that schedule.


When you capable to set your family life into a more steady motion, to that one hour or 2 hours, you become more in time resourceful what you see ahead of your future, and this development things right in front of you. 

    You clear up your negative thinking

    You clear up your negative talking.

To me those things don't every exist at all, so I never think of what you are living in the hell you creating in your own dreams universe? Diamond on the pillows those kinds. 

You have the fears, you identify

You have the troubles, you finding all kinds of possibility listening to online.

You want to play your hairs, you play for 30 mins, you got nothing else to do. To lift up your mood to see where you are?

Do you know how life to be simple, if you just breath, right now? You feeling everything its against to you. Why? You are chaos just about the dish washer, getting up by the noon, or go to the bed at 2 oclock at night? Do you brush your teeth to make yourself feeling better at the teeth, the faces, the hair style, the dress, the walking posture, you have to love doing certain things. for me would be a hobby?

Like you care about your bed sheets, you looking.....

You like the paint inside your room, you seeing....

You prefer a carpet, you finding the cartoon.

You are imagining these Movie: Pitch Perfect, seeing yourself on your phone? 

Daring to make a dialouge within you to walk like 10 things to 100 things, listing you create your own confident in these listings.

    Getting up the bed to finds things you happy to do.     

    Walking outside to breath the air, stretching.

    Cooking some 4 limbs to do jobs, for lesson your parents stress.

    Helping the household, shower, or toilet washing, dry things when you see wet stuffs everywhere. That is how you can manage if one day you live alone? For whichever reason you get from A to Z?

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...