
💞🎁 You girls tell the courts, of how you willing to liberate sentient being in your terms, every hard works of next by its the ego not to low low low low low Pitch Perfect, you say you given up the guys for now, for the next bracket every 16 years. 💞🎁

You list one to 1000 things you willing to do for these girls, including the UB Pharmacy or Medical Girls those are shorter than you. They are your age groups, all are similar within one or two years different + one Dennis. 

Bank its where you hide everything behind, but he won't know. Someone else will know.

You have an obligation to get a house, so you tell the Court, of that Tiny 4.0 楊冪 Movie, its that is to do with the guys, we are given them up, until several life times we can work up that 4 stove cooking + Thanksgiving+ Christmas Meals tradition like our parents, or hosting a party in the house, like our parents did for us, to keep these friends from the UB. 




If there is an interest issues, those skunt servant puppy maid from the Vietnamese SMCH whom they don't promise a dime of those precept human will keep paying those interests. But if no interests, no principle, just a saying "What if", we right now will give up the guys, to work on the stability of the girls, and the responsibility of the girls until the Old Age lasting....for we will be lonely, that is everything Anna says, the future, that promises us.

We are not sure everything where those are coming from the TV, and we hope its not one of us to become that kinds of disastrous saying, to later we finding out. But wound to be those how the higher grade of the education, Anna meant it, its burn to hell or just deliver what a normal human does a normal thing like your proper Parents, talking like a professional, or behave like a decent human to keep the house, keep the bill, keep the works, keep the communication to whichever not run and hide seeking games to the Top management human existing bracket in every walk of life. The work force in this society how the constitiution will given you right, that TV its a free informaton distribution so its the rumors, if you all girls don't work together to solve that. 

If that movie its targeting to the guys how their low grades of scale to that private school, to which not One direction, you all girls vow, to every life time til sitting every words of that textbooks reading into their brain to copy and paste out exactly the standard, including you all just groups together willing to repeat over and over and over every year sunk it embossing life, to every education level and years, to looks greyish and white, to every English words to speaking correctly in your brain, on your paper, to those guys of one human name Karen Makar. 

That is what the friends made of for. 





I am telling you, if you tell the courts, after you could demonstrate that 4 stoves regular without a bill to hosting your own senior age alone one house, you might have a chance you just keep going 7 days a week 3 meals all at home, lonely life, but no burden of every fake friendship, you see no money, near by. Got it? 

You will be missing your ex-husband, or your both parents when you arrive that age, they will die. No more uncle the aunt, or what cousin to show up, to saying you don't bother their debts, or just one human you, cooking 7 days a meal, cannot going out for one extra meals, for those saving, you have 2 or one meal per weekly safe, for the raining day of that roof to be placed. 

Got it?

Shut up, birds, they are surrounded by the dark clouds, or they were the one calling the dark clouds, from the buttom surface up. Can anyone go and do something, they make it up, or whom call whom.

SHUT UP!!!!! I am busy!!!!!!!

If I have to run around, everywhere, I cannot concentrate, shut up !!!! There are height on that things, jumping up and down, shut up !!!!!

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...