
I am working on my right foot. | There are several degree you have a hobby.

You know, I just found my hobby on my foot about last year....this is like one year already, how I have been operating my knifts through that Niko and....

And you was thinking, you know how you spelling your tandrum to so far away, no ones sees you doing that? You doing that to your parents. Your internal screaming not to your clients, but to your parents. Not to the guys yet...but to your parents, that is everyone does that to you.

(I finish my left foot.)

You know the muscle tissues looks like? You can just make a straight cut a mess of it, and leave it. One day you could shred it. The way the pill these Acetamphin are caspule lookings. So I have to use the knife to cut around it.

But today I found out, its straight line.

When the skins look terribly "kinda" white strip very ugly looking, that is when you do those curve, to make that ending gross looks. Not straight line. Usually under the big toes. It kinds like shallow surface of U....straight 180 degree, but that knife Niko and... they are very shaped, just one curving light not that tips, but almost as if?

That will makes a gross looking, I am telling you. No I don't make any blood.

That is one part of the foot, then I have this upper near the middle. I think the Chinese has those saying stuffs. So when I was in UB, I had one. I used the scisoors. Longs time, I never check. Now I am in Taiwan, its small two these dump, to do with the ankle base below. I will tell you, the worse side were that my knife cannot easily access if I am the right hands? The other side, but the things were...since 2021, those were gone. Just only one part the base, continuely thicken, that base, for both foot, they are still both thicken, at ...the angle I can really just cut it from below. 

I check it, you use your finger touch all over. The situation are never needed to do anyithing on the other curving side, where my hands so difficult to reach, those are over. Its only the base of that you touch pressing down, that is thicken, my knifes are easily access, both foot.

Let me see.

Left      Right (if my foot up, the part i cannot reach are the left side, it were some needed work, right now they are gone)

For the Left foot, let's see. Its the right furhurst side I cannot reach, where my eyes easily identify, to how I sitting my foot up?

I gonna go to sleep. I finish these.

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