
Do you grow up here 30 years ago, like Taipei Taiwan? 你以前在台灣長大嗎?三十年之前?

You don't feel it the air-con money and the temperature, if Taiwan keep doing this offices inside so cold, outside suffocating human nose, you will die on the street in 20 years. There is a reason I say many things. So let's say, I just tell everyone the back-up plans. The land in which we purhcase, sit there 5 years, there is nothing on it. You could just divide to 2 lots again, sell to the two sellers, if we don't want it in the end of the 5 years. 

Taiwan becomes suffocating, you don't know what that was? 你沒有覺得台灣天氣很休克? 20 年前是開冷氣是 28 度 C,現在是 33 度 C,你知道人體溫度在哪裡? 你們是要移開台灣的意思,你們總統死光就沒有人管你們的意思 ...

Right now its the COVID 19, true, a lot of people die, but a lot of the human activities are minimized, the real UN human supposed to be evaluating these river, the stream, the water, becoming the clear, you have no ideas what its the heating up causes? The human activities? 

They have to regulate that, a lot of country cannot breath, if we keep doing this. 

So if we are saying the Climate Change issues ...the human factors have to be eliminated, including the business, the human activities causing in it. Like outlaws.

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...