
The interior design of a house, are just.....emballishing....the foundation if, the house cannot be moved back back back of those two lots? To re-made a foundation, the town might say 5 years, I am telling you.

How the rain sipping through, the ground earth re-gel together. Collase together...glue together. There is a English word, I see I know. I care about this water pipe, the sewing system, the channel, the ground works....beside, its not your life ever making any money to say free from your parents. I did those, not just for me. Its for Tina their kids, or Pang, or both my parents have a place to stay, its a separate suite ideas. A lot of house having those, I seen in Texas. 

No property tax, just the land tax, first 5 years?

There is no house on it. Where is property to define the property tax?

You know Taipei to California its a striaght flight, like by the Christmas you don't care here, I show up at California Town for a few weeks, "I come back Next Year", you feel I left Taiwan whole year. Its just a week or 2. There is no house on the ground. We are doing the foundation, where is the house to define, how I got Tax? You need a building permit, like ...how you make a house, until you finish the ground works, that might take 5 long years. 

台北到加州是直線飛,你們其實不過聖誕節的,知道幾號嗎 ? 所以說我離開一兩個禮拜,我說"明年見" 其實我只離開一兩個禮拜,真的就是其實你們覺得我離開了一整年 ....房屋稅是說你要有東西在土地上,我說沒有二樓跟地下室,打掉兩個房屋的土地呀 ! 這種東西是飛吹雨打過五年吧 ? 以後再說吧 ~~~~

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...