
Wallace, are you in Double Tree those Silicon Valley human place? How long? 4 long years yet? Yeah?

When I finish my hours, I talking to you, you belong to where you live at? San Jose?

我講錯了,我需要講的是英文~等我 finish 這一個小時找你算帳? 你是不知道 Steve Jobs 在畫個什麼地圖還是這中國幹部不需要你了? 反正你不需要存在? 你跟趙又廷遙遠吧 ? ...叫做遙不可及呀 !

( File-ing...)

Its when you become the shame, don't know what to do....let alone on that one planet..really.


You eat this things? 你吃這種東西嗎 ?
台灣賣三個! 一條
這應該不是給我吃的! 應該不是 ...

我其實是會想跟你說這種東西還可以,但是我其實可以就直接告訴你,這所有東西真的都很難吃到極點! 不是我不買供品~是非常難吃到極點! 應該不是給我吃的,但是我其實記得我小孩記憶,叫做小時候的某種懷念,的每一種嘗試,反正不需要戒律吃素的瞬間,所有東西真的難吃到極點 ....極點~~~~~極限的意思!


Today I went out, I bought a bottle of milk, on my jaw teeth....line....it was cold so icy, to put on my teeth jaws.


是嗎? 你的前身是 ADD 那你的後身呢? 聽書你在報紙的上面跟你老婆要錢的意思~是中國炫耀金錢攻勢還是? 我不太會看東西~~~那你建華大人是覺得我應該怎麼看書呢?

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...