
Isn't this Conan its the imposter, of the fake face? So my brother he is in the car? The beginning? I have to cut all the disgusting peel mango skins....so I make a beautiful bowl with the rest of new carrots shred and cucombber stylish....

You know my whole days jobs really its just washing that sink none stop....how many round? 20....water sink in one Kitchen sink.

The Zawanna saying .....what is this? The world difference of his of mine, why don't you just say that 700 unit of whatever in the years measurement its a shy of a baby......wa. 

Then the sky has this disgusting clouds, to the spine so I apply my external oils of these new medicines, all of my back....to whichever....Earlier sky was so beautiful emballish, beautiful beautiful like a painting, of...the poo. My and their message. To that every birds looks like unsemble I called my mom.

So evening its me and my mother carry 2 plates of the plastic bags of every dumpling, in the fridge, its just 2 bags. 

My brother called one full hour yet? 2 hours. So the conan about to end, my underwear out, to all the skirt upper, so my entire pelvic area in...."dry the green oil what medicine is this,...BURN".

This is the disguise in here.....someone suicide how many years ago? 

I have to shut off the lights outside, the Christmas light, to when that sky or the Earth gonna tell me how old they are, if Zawanna is the vampire, or the Thionol, why their religion are similar to Christian, to arguing me about that, one Cleopatra poison none stop.

Every little things bugs me....to no patients whatsoever...the morning its all the birds none stop, all around our house roof to how beautiful the sky, you look !!!! why don't you all just called the police to live at the roof, whenever these birds calling? Do you know how aggressive their loyalty its to look at the sky and quack? 

Not just laughing, of every darkling nightly movies, to where the forest of those.....烏鴉 black birds, saying, they are laughing just like the crystal skull.

oh my God...do you know what is spelling of my day, EVERY SINGLE DAY!

I need the Thailand delicacy dessert those 西米露 Do they take out?

To how great that Bar facebook Prince WIlliam Trio was gone? Their logo just happened to be removed, see? Its one of the things you do tell your mother, and tomorrow she gonna check. She realize they come in early at 4 oclock anyway....whom would have thought they are gone, anyway? 

Its when the Youtubers disppear, I am telling you, what drunk makes the border to detain human, for one investigation, everyone bankcrupt?  That is how the Welcome you back the customers, I am telling you, whom living on the Top roof, makes no worry to the below stairs. Why don't they say, swapping the land on metro to when the elevator has a locket, to no more zombie coming in, to that Crown Tower like Milipitas, Silicon Valley.

oh my God. What is this all day all night human living in One Day of Per their Share? What was this PM saying. One day Per Video? A Day in Life. Right!

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...