
Annie's friends, those looks so bad, I am telling you. What the clients looks like.....nothing like UB where the IQ or Brainy required.


You should really get the camera to those you them calling friends.

haha.....Where the mercy lays that day, you will see flatten of the shames all the way.


What you called the human world punishment to every degree Big Magnifying freedom choices to that day....nothing you have, you will have it.



No, I don't know why they are on the channel, to that Flower Thousand Bone, 25 and 7?  Meaning they have the sisters or the mother, I guess. Its one of the things about the food....when you starving, or you were too amusing....delight that day on! Where the tradition of the Indian suppose to look like.


You know, I hate the fruits, I hate the cake, I hate the most are those foam. The Egg white things you suppose to take them all off...they are on the Top, right? When I was a kid. I hate just about everything I look at it. I still remember.

I don't have things to eat, so I tell you, I ate them. If I have anything just serve in, they will be taken out just how they got in, on the plate, side. Those are for the decoration, right? Anything on Top?

After I learn that your cake those top white foam, are the Raw Egg White? oh no....I just hate them exactly the reason...that is raw? There is no taste in them.

Song: Lovely




Like I told you, just go back to your own classroom. Whichever that major you make UB friends, staying in that course of what you ought to be diligent in your IQ development and heighten that literacy or nobility. Those things outside are not worth it. Those very easy to crumble, all of it.

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...