
Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blonde hair human touches her head, or whatever nick and her fight right in front of their Master stuffs. 

Those Vietanese, they just put or grouped together and they will by themselves killing each other just like the Chinese.


He runs the drugs store in Toronto. Pharmacy, he is a pharmacist. Hiep, I don't think she is Ma'am Ching Hai's best friend pal. Might be Nominji by now? 

I don't even know how far this music running humility deep things goes. On High tech.

The way how she cooked for Jonathon? She looks like Jonathon's mother. True. They have kids, just like the screen telling me, right in front of me. Pink....wear. Not sure which one of them ends up in jail, I am telling you. 

Vietnamese dish has one things called Pho, very very very salty. VERY. But there are fruits you cooked at the base for long long time without the sugar, I am telling you, its not concentrated enough....to how little liquids left on the top of those fruitslike 5 cm its not when you imagine 100 cm.

Like you stew the liquids. If I am in Taipei this luxury living at 24 hours 7-11, I don't have to do anything. 

When my mother finished her math....She used to buy like bandage, like bathing powder, I have to teach her starting from base how to buy stuffs if she just look at the price tags. Yesterday she had the wound on the back, she always care these skin cared, so I put the bandage on top. Guess which bandage she used?

Mine! The pharmacy branding. Its thick. 藥局的非常厚,便宜的東西!


I probably get another blog website, on this same Blogger Author's pages.


🍂🥘🥘🥘🎀 Cannot you just ALL SHut UP!!!! 🍂🥘🥘🥘🎀

Its raining ....



I go to sleep

Babaji: Go

Light green? Thumbnail brighter green !

It says green tea? Green tea taste horrible !!

Taiwan never had enough this tea stuffs. Do I say they costs money and very sugar rash to the head?
And bubble?
If I drunk that 美露  do I add sugar?
Ices + hot water, it’s a long tall white cup. Taller than the pink cup. Isn’t they always add the sugar themselves anyway? I say it’s already sweet and FAT?

When I making dumplings, you all have to keep coughing everywhere?


今天是隔壁兩次~饒邦的媽媽要大便便 (廚房的那一邊的一個男的一個女的,叫做狗男女的意思) 英國的上面 ~~~

這詹先生那邊也很喜歡 coughing and sneezing ....打噴嚏的意思! 這所有東西就是你們閒的關係...是嘛 ?

oh ~ if you fail your cooking, you can go to jail, like Hailey?

Sesame seed on the White Rice?

I eating the mango...

I want to finish this dumpling, to that defrost the skin first, the Conan gonna starts in 30  mins. This things I can do that listening to the Conan.

I finish the first bags of the dumpling wrapping, but I have so much this inside filling, I need to use the other rest of the dumpling wraps. Conan started, the 11th that position in the soccer.


I fall asleep, the birds keep at certain time wake me up...

I sleep.

Zac does look like him


I found it, Taiwan Youtuber on All you can eat ! Lunch boxes !!

If I can just use Pinterests when you eat food, I every other hobby other than eating really.  So this are what I crave at !! Taipei Train station lunch boxes. 

(Shut up, the birds) 這些鳥真的很誇張!!

🧀🧀🧀🧀🍮🍮 California are a strip. ( I finishing eating I feel I can get up doing something …I hate congee just look at it.) 🧀🧀🧀🧀🧀

When you really looking at it to where Yogananda at, to down south, certain big name city. In Toronto there are big houses with big parking lot. These streets are populate those human living at.

West coastline, East Coastline

You don’t ….really care anything other than food in the mouth, the restaurant and hotel on reservation to sight seeing and fights in the car. What I say about anyone life, you really don’t cared about it. There are immigration life, there are park, hotel, beach life.

There are grocery, City hall, hospitals system including California mayor saying the traffic system in Los Angeles where AGT at in the grand hotel. You passing by many lifes. You look at every life. 

To be honest you all have very big ambition telling to your parents …why not really saying it and doing it? 

Food service vegetarian/ vegan. 


Real Estates

Hospital, Erin were.

Retreat people/ New Age, like Dr Gabriel, Bashar or Kryon.

If you just saying it what exactly you see….

What you really want to say to Eben or Ballantyne were they waiting for you how you hide a name, a branding, a logo behind this EBay or Amazon warehouse shipping to what even import or export you know that’s out of your knowledge, stationary?

You don’t cared about this UB, so get a job how far you run to 65 per monthly expense all the way that time. 

ThinkWell are just a bunch of DVD, to what you imagine the reason I say every priesthood has a programs called Make-a-Wish foundation. That costs of why I wish to do its my personal obsession what I only do what I want. 

Telling you to advance your academia degree it’s only good for you aim at the female professor IQ and literacy. You imagine …too many things right in front of anyone, that is impossible. 

Its 5 oclock you can eat food, put the food inside your mouth? | 是五點你們就可以把食物塞在你們的嘴巴裡面的意思? 叫做吃飯? 現在還沒有開吧 ?

今天是禮拜六~一定又是哪個 Youtuber 你們一天到晚的開箱,不是冰的飲料就是什麼吃的東西、餐廳聚會,台北不是非常昂貴嗎 ?

饒邦媽喜歡的食物叫做饅頭,的正對面就是,台鐵便當,麥當勞的正後面 ! 我很需要減肥,這很誇張,我的體重就是直接上來叫做阿華田 (美露),我需要喝是因為,我很想吐底,我其實猜我是臉色發白下去,電視的鏡子被關起來的

I am not feeling well. 我可以做的是我煮稀飯~樓下 7-11 有熱燥,很久以前 CNN 美國時間的半夜,我煮過那種東西吃,叫做 "肉燥 can" (Congee)

一樣很昂貴的東西! 我可以買一個醃過的雞蛋 ~~~

At 7-11

I am too lazy, my mom just made that vegan meat ball. Her stuffs. There is a noodles, and I just wash the bok cho. I have already shred carrots. I am not feeling well to do a lot of things. She already had in the fridge, I can just wait 2 mins, until these all boiled.

我只需要兩分鐘~都在冰箱裏面~我下次去買備份的這種東西 !

You know this England Kitchen Birdie what he did?

I cannot understand why there is a birds in the rain, Father, Son, Holy spirits.....

🎀🎀💝🎀🎀💝 There are very exaggerating things has nothing to do with the rise-ment of the civilization 🎀🎀💝

Your own closet, to the bathroom, floor Mat washing sun dry, not to get up at Noon Time. I would have imagine no girls from the UB honor class EVER be this mid-night 2 olock to Noon time saying, I am Dean's gf, "What if ..."

You know what I mean?

I had an AOL. But isn't this AOL required you ask someone to give you a particular stuffs to be on it, like ICQ. MSN its the email address that time.

But I have the facebook and My Space?


I go to sleep.

Babaji: Go

The juices are all spoiled | 2 containers in the freezer, one water melon and pine apples also spoiled

Probably I stop juicing. I am not feeling well.

🌮🥘🍂 You will get paid, if you are doing it right. 🌮🥘🍂 I ...don't even talk about this how my counter statues at Zero.

oh ~ Its ET provoking since they day they started it. But I am not really ready to knowing they show up naked at the court, and cried together with the birds? 

Your parents only wish

    You walk like a human, dress like a human, and talking like a Professional.

    Deliver a correct results, every single times, because the jobs every jobs required you get things right, not having one mistake.

"Isn't She is a man, movie"

, keywords: She is A Man, Rosewell Park Nurse saying, I comment to the Chinese side?

To that " Nake it"? 


Harry Potter, its hair pot ter. Follical...Tear glands? Those things have no eye lids?  

This is how humbly makes the living | Art.


I think there is an issue when a girl doesn't get a date or a guy, to whichever the movie consequences included afterwards, after shocks. Does the United State courts compensate you? Our suicide holiday coming in one month. We have no legal court anymore, I am telling you this.

I go to eat

Babaji: Go

Sleep 2

I gonna keep sleeping til night?

Getting up to eat something. I am burpping, I feel horrible.


That is United State Flags?

Do you ever sit quietly, really think, what you are good at, at all? Your interests, you really had working it other than the sewing clothes hobby, one of those?

What resonance to your inner core, what you listen to Eben, do you finding out what niches can you saying, you exist on the society to give out some contribution to your experty? Your contribution to someone something to reach a number, like enough public audience?

Not just my Pavillion I say others collects for me?

Medical: Its 2nd day, my spine bone pain pain...pain. I put the pain killer patches, not taken medicine.

I cannot wake up. I apply the foot cleaning this morning, last night, I took the shower, I went to bed. 

I clean up my foot. When I apply iodine or alcohol, not really that rough. Just drip anywhere not the wound, to flows to the tissues paper, fold to the wound, touch it. That's it. It could be this worse. Its very very back, my spine 2 days painful like this.

My juices both days are spoiled, water?

I cannot wake up ! | When you have a problem in life, I was not handling my father's issues that time.

You just take it America has no democracy all the way that ways. You have to try things to believe where you get from A to Z. You drop the school, that is just too exaggerating....how someone function its to drop it.....

Do you read what I say to Eben?

UB Bull, or those UB cups, UB t-shirt, whatever you remember the UB Alumni, we have girls we went to the Physicist talk. When you have some friends and we got corner to either die, or swing back, or swing forward live......its functional when someone came in delivering a speech, that one corners of the UB its fill up the human looks like us. 

The democracy power its when you have the human looks like you.  Not on money like Poland treasury.  Do you live your shame all the way there yet?

The UB Girls (Girls are more weaker in the society they will create some supports from the television )

That supports doesn't mean the guys are like that.  

(The birds packs talking...)

Yeah, if you all happy to get together not just you could start be happy with your own facebook friends, to that one day you get together on the UB these whichever side, one or two groups, go to Karen. There are things the girls you talk to each other, and you finding the cause or the solutions of it. 

You asking why, or you just gonna say the guys are the most selfish degree human beings, so why don't you get in, solving that if you are a charity or an organization top human talking on your desks..its every problem you have to solve it, you pretend to be humane, but you calling the police? 

So why don't you be functional, that person "Has nothing to do with you?" Anyway....all these mapping guys? You don't see too many of them on the maps?

Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...