
Its 5 oclock you can eat food, put the food inside your mouth? | 是五點你們就可以把食物塞在你們的嘴巴裡面的意思? 叫做吃飯? 現在還沒有開吧 ?

今天是禮拜六~一定又是哪個 Youtuber 你們一天到晚的開箱,不是冰的飲料就是什麼吃的東西、餐廳聚會,台北不是非常昂貴嗎 ?

饒邦媽喜歡的食物叫做饅頭,的正對面就是,台鐵便當,麥當勞的正後面 ! 我很需要減肥,這很誇張,我的體重就是直接上來叫做阿華田 (美露),我需要喝是因為,我很想吐底,我其實猜我是臉色發白下去,電視的鏡子被關起來的

I am not feeling well. 我可以做的是我煮稀飯~樓下 7-11 有熱燥,很久以前 CNN 美國時間的半夜,我煮過那種東西吃,叫做 "肉燥 can" (Congee)

一樣很昂貴的東西! 我可以買一個醃過的雞蛋 ~~~

At 7-11

I am too lazy, my mom just made that vegan meat ball. Her stuffs. There is a noodles, and I just wash the bok cho. I have already shred carrots. I am not feeling well to do a lot of things. She already had in the fridge, I can just wait 2 mins, until these all boiled.

我只需要兩分鐘~都在冰箱裏面~我下次去買備份的這種東西 !

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...