
You don't have a classmate in your college years? The University UB at? The clubs, beside all those clubs, the classmate, inside your own classmate, one or two humans in your facebook?

You can go to APO, talking about how the IT department human does this step 1 to step 10 if just one protocol, fixing the computers? You read the instruction as it tells you, and figure it out the stuffs, because they like that stuffs. Mike, Tom, Tim !!! They work in the Sheridan shop right outside the millersport highway. 

You know Tim he is a nurse, and Daniel she might be in the graduate school of that nursing anatomy, I used to take the summer class, she took the entire dissection of every single nerves gluey together to spell how one day Eben Pagan failing fate. 

The nerve means the pain, how you have a feeling of the numb, no sensation, or pain....the pain response. The nerves goes to the central nerve syste (CNS) to that connection to your brain, to records your cellular memory, they love talking each word really, never quit, how the Hot things becomes more hot in their eyes or in their mouth, or on the Market.

Hot stuffs on the market, don't you agree, Dean or Eben?  

Failing of the life its one things, failing of my decree, or tiny precepts, its "every degree" of things if you don't learn math at all? would you?  

Every single words starting on alphabets per thoughts, per words, per feeling, per sight, per saying.....understand?

How you just meant it...self improves its when you feeling like....however I feel like.

Humility running deep, deeper, needles, are just...a pin.




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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...