
Taiwan Vegan Groups (台灣白龍小樹 夠維根) | Costco


You see, my future was gone by that Simon Cowell 2014 ( I think these entire Youtuber were in high school or college, right now they are 26 27 30+)

9 years ago, we have the ET war, Keanu Reeve, Me, Simon Cowell. Eben Pagan shows up one years later in 2015 in green. So I used to know that Taiwan has no jobs, that is why I stay in the United State long long long time. Taiwan only have 2100,0000 ( 4 zero with one comma) 兩千一百萬的人口

I heard they say right now their population statistic are 2300,0000 

So now this entire island are not like American, you use the alphabets to say anything Sitesell. Technically anything I did was gone. There is no algorism, just the warehouse sell sell sell, I am telling you. But I am going for the educational department too. We had a Nobel Prize human 30 years ago, I am 39. He is about to die, but there are some others. I have called that the Central Research Branch 中央研究院, a friend that owes me 1000 NT dollar to work there?

Anyway, by now they are all in the jails, those bad human.

If you want to survive in Taiwan one of these days, besides not getting these 5 to 9 jobs, for taking care of your parents, of course, I am always planning something? So when I was in UB2020, all I did was watching "The Day You Found Out" or some other TV drama + the entire Taiwan landscape of the Youtubers. That including the regular youtubers + Vegan groups. They only had 6 human in 3 pairs. They are not working together, but I know what they look like. Like the recipe or the restaurant outside cheap to eat, and where about? 

You imagine I know whom that Eben Pagan? Why don't you say I talking more to Silas in total years, number, letter, email response? That is a real UB classmate, I walking in and out of his office front entrance door?

Me and Silas were in the Evolutionary Biology, he and his other 2 friends few rows behind me and Andrew, that is Per Monday, Wedn, Friday? Dean is not there, but I remember Dean might also in that class room too. Me and Silas we sit on more the right side of that front entrance door, but we are align to that blackboard, UB Knox 20.

I am telling you, something wrong with you all. Silas its the UB editor, his jobs were that newspaper to get it right every midnight before the Monday, Wedn, and Friday printing issues. That is one entire column his photo he put there, me and Dean on the bench NSC and Bill, we see and looked? Dean he always has the newspaper? Seth I don't remember where he is. You go to the UB Spectrum Archive, you will see him there?

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...