
Shut up ~~ I put the box medicine re-locate, my teeth hurt. This things I forget the prescription. I used to take 2 per 500 Acetaminphen.

This is the extra strength, my teeth hurts. Next task. I rest like 5 mins, I cannot really sleep. Resting!

These Apples rotton about 10 of them yet since when? 很多蘋果都是壞的~買的浪費在垃圾桶裡面,去跟誰要? 台北自來水廠? 我寫錯那個字了 Keyword 我重新寫~等一下, Why cannot I edit the post? Did I disable that? I don't think so.....I just the internal search,我用 Blogger 內建收尋~真的很誇張! 這什麼東西~我一個一個改。

弄玩了~在換冰巢~ 以後就是大的可以比較多冰塊,我先 file 那所有 Apple 的東西~~~Shut up, shut up, shut up~~~他們今天兩隻為什麼來的兩次在永大電機那邊看個我們往對面飛,連續兩次! 我先 file ..... This water sink has like smell, so many time I flush the entire City Shopper bathing.....Tablet. Its a big Tablet from 五星級的遠企! 

有三個 file 台北自來水廠,我需不需要 file 那個 blue tooth Night Market, 在 Youtube 上面可以看到一堆人在修那樣東西!!常常買到壞掉的~~那四個 files. 

1) Apple Rotton  

2) Birds Something today 3) The water sink to the bathing tablet powder City Shopper 4) Blue booth broken.

( Wait...I need to download all these Iphone junks photos really, long time not to do this Iphone or IPad files stuffs. Does that Itune does the photo stuffs downloads...what do they use this iTune for, the music junks playlist? My old purchasing its stuck on the password, no more needed forever.... really. )

Maybe I should download this Itune first.....So many this AAE files, delete forever....  

I already have the ITune? (6:05 pm)

I think this ITune its for the music....downloading, I used to remember what that is synchronize in the English words. Upper there someone to click, I never to use this thing anymore, so I don't need this?  So what do they do with the podcast, audio files? Wasting my times. Shut up~~~~~

3) The water sink to the bathing tablet powder City Shopper 4) Blue booth broken. 


你們知道這很多台北 Home Owners 或是土地什麼地主那類會知道里長鄉長存在的辦公室,叫做三十年後的免費量血壓,給老人的~現在我好像不能去量血壓,這很多....小孩可能有男的或是女的,就是專門只管地產的東西,你們不覺得我看到這種外縣市的什麼台灣 Youtuber, 自己在那邊晃的很開心的意思! 我有叔叔跟舅舅那類在呀 ! 

所有垃圾東西不做,專門做假的東西 ..叫做新建設施! 你們這種當地小孩不是做喜歡這種,叫做政治極端嗎 ? 怎麼不做一點有意義的事情,那種叫做膚淺的假設,好像所有人不需要 file 東西的~鳥~~閉嘴! 你們不覺得很煩,聽到煩嗎 ? 這種台北的鳥是誰在餵食...是把她們嘴吧堵住吃東西,就可以閉嘴了~~ Shut up shut up, 不需要回答我寫的每一樣的東西!!真的~~~~你們不能取找誰餵食~第五的案件我想起來~吃東西叫做滿滿的嘴巴就可以通通給我閉嘴 .....屋頂上的鳥!!!! 閉嘴~~ Pentahouse Birds, Give me SHUT UP!! 

通通給我閉嘴~~~~叫做新建設施的新食物 !!!!! 壯大聲勢真的很煩 ...不要再講了 (你們的眼淚怎麼不去跟它們哭呢!! 叫做留下的滴水 ... Shut up ~~~!!!!)

6) The tasting better food, everything 台北以前我認為的所有好吃的,難吃到極點的零食,Pinterest 的 links


(... ... .... ....

            (... ... .... ....

                     (... ... .... ....) 

                                            (... ... .... ....   ..................................)

很煩~~~!!!!!!!寫這麼久只寫了一個 File 你們以前的那個輸入法叫做正常.....你們現在很難打打打打打打打打 !!!!

3) The water sink to the bathing tablet powder City Shopper 4) Blue booth broken.


這些鳥終於閉嘴了~~我開始寫第四個! 我這所有照片叫做開起來~( 閉嘴!!)

叫做寫不完的每一個寧靜的晚上 ! 我去換音樂 7:20pm 真的很煩 ....

太煩了我去做菜~ Shut up~哪一個閉嘴! 看到了

在烤在燒烤煮~煩死了! 什麼呀 ! 4) Blue booth broken. 好了!


我在教我媽煮菜,因為豆腐就是出水~但是瞬間可以 carrots 跟所有小碎的菜,但是因為是筷子的大鍋子有兩個開往這個窗戶,就是隨時丟到廚房水槽的那個水位~就是有點高溫的任何東西就下沉那個 sink,就是說那個所有高溫的上面的鍋蓋,因為這個炒鍋很巨大~所以要擦擦要抹...如果只是一開場的菜呀 !!!! 

在準備功夫的時候是上面簡單的烤箱進入那種菱形豆腐,兩塊豆腐八塊切開菱形瞬間,底上卡所有黃色的烤盤,先熱溫~撒鹽巴對著烤箱跟豆腐的附近 (你們的 key in 很糟糕) ,這是 Yahoo Answer. 你們這種打字真的很厭煩,所有東西怎麼這麼糟糕,打一個字要打到什麼時候~~~~~以前的那個輸入法呢? 真的很煩~下地獄就可以了!  



1) Carrots + any green leafy+ stern shredded, if you buy those Sogo 部門的的小機器叫做瞬間,Its already shred Carrots,這胡蘿蔔到底幾種蒸煮? 你切就只有那幾下~每一天都會準備 shred carrots, 所以那個機器很好用


之後要混! 但是一盤是那個

2) 一盤是豆腐出水的瞬間碎掉所有的抹邊 spreading out + 胡蘿蔔+等時間~乾掉才能入醬油~跟糖! 跟油,但是這所有乾掉的瞬間是拱起來~是一個湯匙的木頭製作,前後翻面不同的拱起來的正中央叫做非常熱,但是

一開始是 spread out all the tofu til water dry. 因為那是第一個開始關於豆腐+胡蘿蔔細小的 (這是第二批的胡蘿蔔,因為看起來太少了~~) 然後乾掉之後可以說進入油,但是你們上面的鍋蓋就是進入那個廚房的水跟筷子~只要一燙就可以丟進去~不能燒焦~看火侯~不需要油! 一開始不需要油!豆腐要出水

你們好像也不會用火侯的意思! 這大火是說要等~瞬間手的感覺所有邊緣叫做燒掉,我的筷子~要看的到! 知道哪邊是燒焦

為什麼這個燒焦的東西叫做交...就不會出現呢! 這所有督興就是故意的,那到底要打到蛇什麼

不覺得很煩嗎 ? 你們有一天會知道非常悽慘的所有下場~叫做我的是沿~通懂沒有






Now I cannot type in Chinese, why you are making this so difficult? I am trying to talk the exactly how many words can I type, you keep making all kinds of mistakes, bugging me for? 

Why don't you just curse heaven and earth none stop every single day, when I can use this things more smoothyl to everyone of you hell forever and eternal, really. 

You must think really funny, you cannot stop making every single mistaken I already say, Hell forever and eternal, understand? Every one of you.

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I cannot understand what it says, let me finish the dumpling. Made me mad, to make food better.



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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...