
My UB 5 guys are what? Uh …

They are thin, fit guys. None of them are fat. Dean used to be fat, I think he didn’t really make himself fat again? By now …it’s 2022, 6 months by, they becoming the Lords? The body shape, you mean if they are those type jump, flip, bounce, no …

The UB normal guys you see them walking in the SA union. Like O Town. They look familiar. Oh, this weight issues … it’s better you all slim it down.

You are using my facebook. You can connect to see if you can get what UB or your high school stuffs intact next 30 years you need to plan now. 365 days it’s 52 weeks. The guys get used to be alone human - you girls …that’s bitterness to become the End I am telling you, what you afraid what. 

Like if every 30 mins to 25 mins a bird quaking meaning I go step on that rim, the window gates way. I am taller. That’s 10 times I left my seats to see the rain, the clouds ….kinda like the life you have some noise in front of you, you go say hi, or “Shut up!”

If you live indoor, and you see no phone, no human contact, no parents or sibling contact or the facebook, a real message like I go bugging Silas? And if Silas don’t response? I cry on the bed in the dark dim light curtain draw inside with the instant noodle cup?

Life that your attention span it’s not closure !! 365 days you waits 3 days per week on 52 weeks on App?

You look at the photo or you open the App to?? What is the thing on App?

Eben Pagan will die, technically, my life long gone in the old age, he will die before me. 

It’s more like 15 mins, you have some “Contact”? 

💖🍕🍕🍗⭐️🫧🫧🫧❄️❄️❄️ How do you use App? The Line App? The Asian uses that. 

I am telling you, I know the future. You just automatically register every human lives on the Roof with a Balcony, the birds just meant they live here? 

My vision has the America military human exists on the set points, that’s my jobs? Music sites? When you upload a video being seen, do you feel it you are being watched regardless the counter numbers? That’s not a Hope felt, those are the human attention felt. There are …human on the other side?

I am telling you what, after this 4 points frames become a real, I needs to start a civilization by the schedule. You go back to the educator. UB. I don’t want to hear the rest of the craps. 

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...