
Is there anything to do with this Ancient Chasez?

You want to tell me no one on this one planets? You don't remember what I tell you? If...One this Ancient Master, not Ancient Chasez looking.

He says drops all things, you enter that places of his....all you ever waiting were the noise of outside, of that one gates closing the inside from him, to the outside noise. You keep looking at that door, whom do you think you are? Proven your worth that points.....

You like the noise.....of something you keep looking at that one Gates locked.

"The heart are like the Fireworks"



Our heart like the fireworks, one kinds connects to another kinds, cannot help to be singular out, sunk down flowing by, scattering away the loneliness, stay at the same points turning around waiting for you. 


Maybe sometimes stop by halt it the shore, ending the going forward thoughts. not afraid of the loneliness and how wide the sky, turning around seeing you the splendid smile.


The blurry worlds, the fake story board, the dream of construct are "the candle lights cease".

The raining whole evening, I cannot collects more Star constellation to glues together more these energy saying, absorbing..the winds are too strong. Hold tight on your hands, not afraid the Nights overlapping. At the time of sadness, at the painful timing, frankly open to that wide illusion on the sandy construct building. 


I look at your back image, wants to say something. That courage and the bravery got stolen by the Time.  The thoughts knew the insomnia, Time doesn't know the shallow or deep, wants to become your Gala the most splendid flower, Its the only wish.

But opening my eyes (1:22)

The reality and the dreams were that one moment,

Our heart like the fireworks, one kinds connects to another kinds, cannot help to be singular out, sunk down flowing by, scattering away the loneliness, stay at the same points turning around waiting for you.

Maybe sometimes stop by halt it the shore, ending the going forward thoughts. not afraid of the loneliness and how wide the sky, turning around seeing you the splendid smile.


The worldly people no matter what, always at the loneliness time. Facing the scary confrontation to that departing Goodbye, and slowly moving forward snail pace. Turning around to sing a song, becoming the firm affirmative long river. Still expecting the tomorrow the New Hope of Happiness, once again.


The moment that you smile, the heart like the snapping of the cello strings. Cuddling in the desert as if the One Flower spread one shot. If the hearts flows down snowing....sunk in/ sunk down...Tear filling to that Light passing through the Night. The winter becoming the Spring....

2:40 Everyday its changing.  We are turning small mimick to the distant far blurs vision remote.

(You see double?)

Even cannot see anymore, 


The future still can own a great sunny day.

Our heart like the fireworks, one kinds connects to another kinds, cannot help to be singular out, sunk down flowing by, scattering away the loneliness, stay at the same points turning around waiting for you.

Maybe sometimes stop by halt it the shore, ending the going forward thoughts. not afraid of the loneliness and how wide the sky, turning around seeing you the splendid smile.


Myself walking its unique. One step to another its bitterness. Given up the fakeness don't pretend the heart never lingering. The life become warm hot. Someone silent accompany next by. Pretending not to seeing, and really one day just forgotten. 4 Wall around becomes the dry....

Really wish to finding the difficult hardship (difficult earth river, dry)

Once again let go, how can I possibly let go willingly?  Loosen to the Pain felt thoroughly. After all, its deeply love, when returning the thoughts coming back, coming to the entrance door/road. Going backwards...



The blurry worlds, the fake story board, the dream of construct are "the candle lights cease".

The raining whole evening, I cannot collects more Star constellation to glues together more these energy saying, absorbing..the winds are too strong. Hold tight on your hands, not afraid the Nights overlapping...


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