
Is there anything about this breakfast.....Taiwan, we have, or if I get a too much breakfast | A ...slice eggs, rice roll up with bread fried + radish+some sour veggie, and a 3 small dim sum

But just thinking about it, I gulp. 

uh...I only need the juice until I ate food in 11 oclock, its very fast every morning. And one hour, I go to sleep. Is there something you need to tell me?

是什麼東西跟早餐有關? 我其實感覺很糟糕 ....蛋很肥、飯糰很肥 (如果+油條)、小籠包三個很多~~~是什麼事情為什麼我需要吃早餐今天是幾號? 511 ?

那是一片蛋...類似夾在什麼東西裡面,但是他們單賣呀 ! 啊~~我想一下,是燒餅油條但是那個一片蛋,那是三個蛋下去煎成那種東西呀 ! 我不是一天到晚在減肥嗎 ? 我一直在家裡沒有運動 ~~~就不需要吃了! 饒邦大人好像每一個禮拜在 fasting ~我順便就不需要吃這種東西吧 ?

通常是一片蛋 + 兩個小籠包 ! 但是今天好像不知道幹嘛了~~~你們不覺得一片蛋+小籠包是麵粉很肥嗎? 我在邊緣過重!

我應該是不會買~我買 7-11...大概牛奶吧 ! 我其實沒有餓呀 ~我餓了我去吃那種 chip 咬死人的那種有鹹的味道~洋芋片很昂貴的! 

I just come down my weight 我的體重正在下降之中 ...

我沒有那麼想吃那種東西,況且...是說我要去吃蛋的意思? 七年裡面吃過十次就夠了吧?

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...