
I need to wash myself head to toe.... |我需要洗頭洗澡~~太熱了! 開冷氣~~~這台灣真的越來越熱~~你們知道這鳥是說他們去要 101 隔壁上班的天空~還是天氣氣候?

Do you know this birds or the sky saying they are going to work, or interview or the offices cubical to the 101 next by where I interviews?

I think they making money by the Climate Change as if.....Seriously No matter how it sounds to you from me.

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...