
I finish the day, delete all those apps in the phone....and the photo. Now | I do not care any of you. Not one human on this one planet. its done, over long time ago.

I do not care what you are, what you had, what you will be, anything you against tiny bit of my order, comments, not suggestion. That is an absolutely the only direciton you ever follow and if you failed every tiny dusty of it, you could just die and disppear out of my eyes, clear?

Any funny business you will be jailed, be killed, or torment exactly I spelling to everyone's phone every day, every life, eternal of your every hellish existence you meant to be.

Those polite things are just as shows as ever be. To any IQ at zero human, you will be seeing every degree of the legal notifcation of when I will becoming. I say it again, you against any part of my new regime, its one leg, of 100 man sex your husband, your mother in law, to film yourself right in front of that hole how to push in, draw a circle, shoot it, and drug it, to every degree you jump 100 times, one legs, to when that fucking to 100 human to become you watching the TV exactly saying love love love , La la la ...understnad? 

Every day you will only be hell, if you dare,.....one more sounding of every exponent how you will pay the infinite prcies every day down the road, you have nothing to wish,....but rather to die, got it? 

That verdict its your entire SMCH, just thinking of it.....discipline or the followers, its my promises, to EVERY life, EVERY reincation, to whether remember or not, you will be subjected the cruelest way, to hell, to the infinite prices pays to the Lords.

Remember...its EVERY reincarnation. I deliver, all. 

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...