
How many songs are in Victoria Secrets less...than 19?


How to show you graduated....and that is Lauren's faces?

There are human girls in the college to gamble on the credits....per credits counts on my money, to say 3 per one class, saying 15 average credits, so....to graduate on Time.

uh...I never thought what I see were the false of all around, there are human going to the college could ensure they failed on the credits, that is very bad, you know. You dropped out of the college having no opportunities ANYWHERE. At all......

My tooth hurts.

Do you know that, if you tell the court anything you can name it, they put it down "legal" saying there are Chinese Pavillions like its sounding on my faces? Those kinds? 

As long as you shall ever just calling them forward, name it. The legal court of America meant that is democracy Tyranny, to anything you ever freedom to say, just about any stuffs!!! The Whole Sky Wide Freedom ~~!!!!!

My nap time.

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...