
Google Calendar - The methods how to make the dumplig

I drink like 3 bottle milk in 100 NT (90NT)

So too much, up til now, I have 2 more jar+bottle
I make the third batch dumpling frozen.
第一個 batch 是有冬粉的,第二個沒有我媽說她可以吃,這是第三個有冬粉的
Its taken a little long, I made a lawsuit 213.
That is not a document, that is a link. For the future human. I cannot see you, really...as if.
Shut up~ birds. (They laugh just like those dark night quacking birds) 烏鴉嘴

百頁豆腐 (烤兩面)
我做了兩袋,給我媽一袋,其實早一點鳥一直在叫,因為有內餡在冰箱裏面,但是我媽之後晚上才說的,所以我做完一個 batch ,我把冬粉找到重新熱水粉絲到,可以加到油了裡面繼續拌舊的內餡,我把昨天的那一袋給我媽,我現在有兩袋! 煮了晚餐之後的兩袋。
我先吃兩個百頁豆腐,是一種板豆腐的三塊長條,就要切大概一公分的厚度,剛好,是整個烤盤的滿! 所以我先去洗澡,因為作法是鍋貼不是餃子,進油之後要兩面到焦一點,然後過水,兩個筷子上面一個蓋子,因為只剩下這個鍋子太大了,所以已經過水了 7:40,但是待會有柯南在八點
Mimmo 24 台,我先去洗澡~我把那個過水的餃子擺在那個長方形的黃色容器裡面進到烤箱十分鐘,收水之後整個餃子會吸水,我可以烤著或是擺在碗裡面自然乾掉,這就餃子的可能性!

Hundred Page Tofu (Baked two Side)
I made 2 bags, given my mother 1. Earlier the bird keep calling...

I have 2 "Hundred page Tofu", that kinds of the flat thicken tofu has 3 strips in one square plastic bag, I cut about 1 centimemeter thickness, at the same time, that entire bake tray is filled up. So I gonna go and taken shower, becuase that is not Dumping...its a... " 鍋貼" When you put into the oil, you need to make the 2 side of the 3rd, to fried til golden brown.
Then you add the water, to that lid on the top with 2 chopsticks reason were that....this entire wok, its way too big.....so no lid, lazy human washing...so 2 chop stick on top to put a lid on...
(Be care not burn those chopstick) on waiting the fire below its not electric. Its a stove burn on fire.
So Conan its at 8:00, I finish at 7:40.
I gonna take a shower.
After I put the water in, not fill up, just the buttom, to cook, then I put in the oven for 10 mins, on that rectangle container yellow. 
Normally you could just put in the bowl to absorb the water on that dumpling skin. That is how the dumpling skins are.
You leave it in the baked oven, to dry up the softness of the dumpling soggy in the water cooked. 
(Fried 2 out of the 3 sides, to then boil water til cook lid top. Then wait til the dumpling absorb the water til done. That methods its I am taking a shower to keep the food warm. Lunch time, I just leave in the bowl, I yell at the human or the bird on the PC, so that....it was done in 5 mins I am yelling, at lunch!) 

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...