
Do they mean the Disney, those high school unsemble human, on the mouth jobs, what do they called it? The Telecon, not the Mulan Telefon?

One of those theme songs, reminded us, the Reflection always in the mirror of thy self, really....




You would have imagine the industry meant the human exists were some merits not to that tiny physical sounding unsemble to groups....any human in it. By those....money wealthy meant, the money could talk out of its skills in flapping the lips.

Lips sticks? Manual or protocol?




小孩的故事: 天方夜譚 (Arabian Nights)

小鬼小和尚 ~~~~~ ( The Children's Literacy)




Its probably they would get it wrong every children their own scripts every lines and story.....of, every kinds of weather choices or saying things like the children literacy....really.

Try to be modern, really. https://www.bilibili.com/s/video/BV1PW411x7AS

That is exactly the same girl in red, the guys in white. 烈火如歌

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...