
ADD (6:38 starts )


What do I gonna sing in that 8 hours? Well, you gonna break in 20 mins per hours, so that is 3 things you did that time. I only shows up in the end of that 3 things you did, that is after 60 mins.

Probably like the National Anthem, its like a relax rehearsal, not even real rehearsal practice. You heard your American Anthem so many times, anyway.

I used to sing a lot more song, and going out, and running back shower, at Eben's stuffs. You are saying I expose under the sun 8 hours under a shed tent.  oh ~ I done better than that. You don't get used to the wind, the sun, the air, the air flows to your eyes. I live with my door or windows open here. The birds every 15 mins, or 10 mins are quacking, none stop. The sky, the clouds, the sun?

And this Babaji pressure, I cannot wake up?

I stay in the middle of the same tent. Just like if you rent up 20 roof here around me. Its the same thing I do on my own things, a lap top, a screen, a tent sleeping bag, I sleeps through? I am a lot mobile than you think. Running upside down, inside out.

Its when you arrive to the new places, you might get sick, you miss home, you are not used to people working around you.  I am the doctor of myself? I watch myself all the time. I do not have the dying wish, but apparently you all ADD do that very often. It depends what your team leaders run things to break into that 60 mins. Or they just gonna handle the entire platform to only ADD only? See what you come up with, from all your brains, 20 kitchen, its just a stainless flat surface to say, looking more like a storage room, a fridge a microwave, a boilers? a First aid kit. 

When you ADD running around, you get nervous, you got tense, you got pressurized, you got dizzy, you feel coughing, you feel too many human you see. 

I am telling you...

The University Professor

Don't bother thinking about it.

How about you set up a stage where you take a photo, those Valentines Day like the hotel 5 Star here? You put a microphone, and some speakers around. When you get your break on that 20 kitchen stuffs at those 8 hours, you and your new friends together, go up and touch that microphone, not turning on? Just touching it.

My tent and the SUV its right in front of you. I am inside the tent, there is no audience. I am dead inside there sleeping.....

You rotate to touching the microphone, and stand on the stage?  

You walking from the 20 kitchen side lines to the middle of the ground, passing by me, to touch the microphone, or sit on that stage 1 mins, get off? You have 20 kitchens ADD rehearsal the same?  

You only touch the none turn on microphone, you sit on the stage, where the audience number = 1, me died sleeping inside the tent?  Don't bother saying hallo, too many of you. Just touch the microphone and run.

That is your first day of big Star Hollywood Dream.

Not the SWAT Team coming down from the sky through ropes.

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...