
花千骨 17 集 - 夏紫薰的層層覆蓋的冰蓮,北極的第一滴露水 | Flower Thousand Bone 17th Episode, That Lady, "Layers of layers of that covered to that Ice Lotus....The North Pole of the First Dew"

One of those things you like to do, you love to do....the herbalist hobby.

John R Christopher. American Military Doctor in WWI and WWII. He is from Canadian Herbal Colleges. The herbs most known are the usage of Caynne Pepper. Among those Herbalist ranking, Dr. John R Christopher are 51% over the second whichever ranking in the degree of very few percentage among the American herbalist field, or known field.

Some people have a hobby really. 有些人是有特殊嗜好 花千骨第十七集,夏紫薰的一種講法! 很多人會做中藥,都是一種草藥學,美國的第一個世界大戰跟第二個世界大戰的軍醫就是草藥醫! 他的名字叫做 Dr. John R Christopher,在草藥學裡面他會常常跟你們說一種叫做 Caynne Pepper. 你們會看英文嗎 ? 他下面有很多奇蹟發生的事情! 那是他的年代! 你要喜歡那種東西! 其實我也有吃西藥,很快就消掉了! 我有咳嚋,很快就清掉了! 因為那個打仗 ET 的事情就是在講花千骨,整件事情...對! 開東西,本身就會有毒,你是看你講什麼呀 ! 你以為跟自然不知道,我以前就跟你們說過非常多遍! 

2013 TYG 

2014 AGT (American Got Talent ) starting Feb, March to Dec. ET online. Cave Troll in Lords of Rings 

2015 我們卡住變成 Classify 但是你們這種破戒的越南小尼姑講的東西漂浮出來所有人在後面 的長相、衣服、狀況! 

2016 五教主審核 (不是三尊會審! ) 我其實不知道那件事情,真的不知道,我看到的地方不是你們存在可以看得東西呀 ! Victoria Secrets 而且也是我喊我做我停止! 德智體群美~你們做不到群體! 

2017 一月才結束一月底 六月稱帝! 

2018-2020 兩年就在這個長留出考、仙劍一跟二 

2021 Bible Flood 我其實沒有聽懂她到底在講什麼 2014 什麼 Noah 方舟怎們不說是大水氾濫? 你覺得我腦袋很清楚你在講個什麼東西 

2022 現在是四月五月就是你們什麼灌籃高手 35 36 第41集藤真上場~你們一定是瘋了! 我告訴妳們叫做我吐血吐不夠的意思! 我現在調整東西! 在網頁上面自己看著辦! 


NSYNC 五個他們 + UB 5 Lords Probably some human in my UB Facebook the entire list human Martial Art, they are IT. They were already IT department 


My Blog


我的東西就是突然不見了~叫做為什麼一直上傳? 等一下~從新上傳

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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...