
小鬼小和尚~美國身高的概念 五呎11,到了12尺就是六個 Feet 饒邦呀 ! 饒邦的爸是 178 cm 但是他少了三還是四公分他說的! 他很擔心跑去整骨~

 李維是 181cm

迪恩 = Dean 他們都很高,美國大部分男孩子都是 6 Feet 像迪恩應該是之上 !

Adam 應該兩個 Adams both are 6 Feet.

( 這些鳥很誇張 ...)

Most American guys are 6 feets, both Adam. Keanu is 181cm. Sariputra

Dean is taller than the 6 feet I think. They are tall in UB. The average American guys.

I just found out 我現在才發現 ...

512 That is her birthday, legally? 那是越南小尼姑的生日?

(Shut up ~ birds....my back 我的背....)

小鬼小和尚~人生叫做蹦蹦跳跳 ...是正常的! 有些時候是技巧性,你們錯過 2018-2020~~~

我大拇指痛左邊的尖的已經很底了痛呀 ~、我牙齒今天痛、我肚子痛、我背痛

My thumb Left edge nail was hurting this morning, my teeth hurts, my stomach hurts, my back hurts.


呷咪~~跳舞情節的英文叫做什麼? 英文叫做 Choreography 編舞的意思! 舉手投足對吧 ? 你們講中文吧 ? 簡體字 ...饒邦大人小孩的時候很小隻,因為我們家剛好沒錢那時候,他順便就去念公立就是一群人打他一個,他就...之後長高 ! 你們就去打成一團,說尊上說的! 

尊上以前有沒有跳過舞,立人小學老師排舞,但是中山女中畢業典禮的...那群人好像就是我在排舞的! 就是 NSYNC 那個西斯會做的事情。

但是如果你們講直排輪? 以前中山女中直排輪就是跟成功高中聯誼的表演呀 !

Have I Honorable Superior ever choreography? Private school the teacher creates all those display and formation, yeah. But the High School Graduation performance....I think that is what I choreography at it, like JC Chasez.

But if you are saying the Roller Blades?

We used to public date with the third boy High School on roller blades competition ends dance. Of course, you cannot compare to the guys.


 You have no skills in anything you ever do...

你們好像沒有才能做任何事情你們怎麼做 ....



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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...