
1001 Nights = The Chinese names for "Arabic Nights"


Do you know we have a lot of University, or All kinds of different institutions where you all comes from? To that every Greek Society or the bracket of people, don't you want to groups yourself with some human, not beast, not pets, not anything but Human, Homo Sapien? 

Whatever it sounds to you, you don't go far away from the civilization, where the family each individual unit can go on Zoom to talk to each other, the social media classroom, some interaction on-line community. Have you thought about the day you die? Not the day you cannot sign-in your aging parents to the senior Home?

You could just go to your facebook, and no matter how many people friends you groups, its an encouraging and guidance where you suppose to be, growing out of your parents? The confident you build up their skills, their experty, their knowledge how everyone can survive to that every degree of trust, you facilitating the hopeful learning. No one has a clear what the future to be, of that 1001 nights pass by, to when, or how long that Eon or Kalpa Age passing on? You gonna tell me, you only remember your only life, here on Earth?

Where you will end up, one day? To that memory just lost it all? No turning back?

National Emergency House

You don't think when you hear the news, where there might be better to settle your own vision issues, mobility issues, seeing whom in the crowd, to where to run at? Life to where to become more on your footworks, to where to arrive, the food or the water, or the settlement, you have nothing else in life, to where this can be imagined a bit?


You are a girl, you can group people, be like a more organized forced for the guys? Paper, scissors, glues, makes a box, beggars box on the ground you have 5 dollars? How to wash a green leafy vegetable? How to peel an orange with a knife? How to clean a Chinese Smart Life Gadgets? How to keep the carpet in your own, your bathroom floor mat clean? 

A simple meal for any visitor just suddenly drop in? You don't chop carrots every single days? Not decorate cucumber, that is all we had? Mayonaise? Tea, Tea cups, juice? 

Soup base, how to make a warm soup against all odds someone not feeling well at the stomach? To that every kids, every kinds of the relatives, family to get along? Talking with a sense how to get around as the civilian within the range to get the governments to help you, your household, your units of all these giant human if you do what I do?

Buying the Home Stocks

How you organize your per monthly buying stocks of the cleaning supply, kitchen towels, or the bath toilets tissues?

Can you land for a rental car, or a leasing situation, to where you get things in to where you arrive, to where there are assistant, to where you can find the food in whichever cards you receive, jump somewhere, to land all what supposed to be buy, when you glimpse or skim the entire house, to what really just putting in, so that settlement no one feel hungry, cold, or run get colds?

When you arrive to the new town, you gonna say you are from buffalo Humility running deep Clothes? 

The University graduate on your aura, all over the places, how you talk, how you verbalize, how you saying things, how you approaching a situation, how you run like you know what you are doing, to whom you are approaching, to whom you are saying, you are new from the Town?

Don't you want to learn it now? You want to contract disease to hurt everyone your immune system are so low? Can you work on yourself until you get to that points? What is the available stocks you can purchase from, run and go?

You want to get yourself a bit on the self-thinking, self portrait, how to walk, how to talk, how to express yourself, from your situation to which the next situation however that sounds like you are all alone in this tiny UB human places? When you were in the UB clubs, all you do are to interact people, to talk about something how to run an activities, how to get something more experience in your expression.

You don't want to continue doing that?  What to dress, what its more the main trend, what is the world how to dress, decorate your hair style or what interests in your life right now? 

I didn't tell you to go on one human operation where you burn down the entire city yourself.....


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Lanh & Hiep (Toronto used to be contact person), they have property. He is on his trail mill, walking machine. She management the renter's property. Me and nick met her at the frozen session of the vegetarian stores.

She cooks. Most Center entire buffet things, she knows how to cook the basic refugee those human does things. She likes that SMCH 越南小尼姑 Blon...